Senin, 04 Juni 2018

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What Is Bullying? - YouTube

Oppression is the use of force, threats, or coercion to abuse, intimidate, or aggressively dominate others. The behavior is often repeated and habits. One important prerequisite is perception, by intruders or by others, of an imbalance of social or physical forces, which distinguishes bullying from conflict. The behaviors used to assert such dominance may include verbal harassment or threats, physical assault or coercion, and such actions may be directed repeatedly against a particular target. The rationalization of such behavior sometimes includes social class, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, appearance, behavior, body language, personality, reputation, lineage, strength, size or ability. If bullying is done by a group, it is called mobbing.

Oppression can be defined in various ways. The United Kingdom has no legal definition of bullying, while some states in the United States have laws against it. Bullying is divided into four basic types of abuse - emotional (sometimes called relational), verbal, physical, and cyber. This usually involves coercive methods of coercion, such as intimidation.

Bullying ranges from one-on-one, to individual bullying to a group of oppression called mobbing, in which the bully may have one or more "lieutenants" who may seem willing to help a major bully in his bullying activities. Bullying in schools and workplaces is also called peer abuse. Robert W. Fuller has analyzed bullying in the context of rank.

A culture of intimidation can develop in any context in which humans interact with each other. This includes schools, families, workplaces, homes, and the environment. The main platform for bullying is the social media website. In a 2012 study of American teenage boy soccer players, "the strongest predictor [bullying] is the perception of whether the most influential men in a player's life will approve of bullying behavior".

Video Bullying


There is no universal definition of bullying, however, it is widely agreed that bullying is a subcategory of aggressive behavior characterized by the following three minimum criteria: (1) hostile intentions, (2) power imbalances and (3) repetitions over a period of time. Thus, bullying can be defined as an aggressive behavioral activity that is repeatedly intended to harm other individuals, physically, mentally or emotionally.

Norwegian researcher Dan Olweus says bullying occurs when a person is "exposed, repeatedly and over time, to negative actions on the part of one or more others". He said negative actions occur "when a person deliberately inflicts injury or discomfort in others, through physical contact, through words or by other means." Individual bullying is usually characterized by someone who behaves in a certain way to gain power over others.

Maps Bullying


Individual bullying can be classified into four types. Bullying is collectively known as mobbing, and can include any kind of individual bullying.

Physical, verbal, and relational abuse occurs most often in primary school and may also start early while continuing to the next stage in the life of an individual. It is claimed that cyber-bullying is more common in secondary schools than in primary school.


Individual intimidation tactics can be done by one person against a target or target.


This is the oppression that hurts a person's body or damages their property. Stealing, pushing, hitting, fighting, and destroying property are all kinds of physical intimidation. Physical abuse is rarely the first form of intimidation to be experienced by the target. Often bullying will begin in a different form and then develop into physical violence. In physical bullying, the main weapon used bully is their body when attacking their target. Sometimes groups of young adults will target and keep a colleague away because of some juvenile prejudices. This can quickly lead to situations where they are ridiculed, tortured, and beaten by their classmates. Physical abuse often increases over time, and can cause tragic endings, and therefore must be stopped quickly to prevent further escalation.


This is the oppression that is done by speaking. Calling names, spreading rumors, threatening someone, and making fun of others are all forms of verbal bullying. Verbal bulging is one of the most common types of oppression. In bullying verbs, the bully's main weapon is their sound . In many cases, verbal bullying is a province of women. Girls are more subtle (and more powerful), in general, than boys. Girls use verbal bullying, as well as social exclusion techniques, to dominate and control other individuals and demonstrate their superiority and strength. However, there are also many boys with subtle enough to use verbal techniques to dominate, and who are practiced in using words when they want to avoid problems that can come by physically oppressing others.


It is oppression that is done with the intention to hurt a person's reputation or social position which can also be attributed to techniques that are included in physical and verbal bullying. Relational Bullying is a form of general intimidation among youth, but especially in girls. Relational bullying can be used as a tool by bullies to improve their social status and control others. Unlike physical bullying is obvious, relational bullying is not open and can continue for a long time unnoticed.


Cyber ​​bullying is the use of technology to harass, threaten, embarrass, or target others. When an adult is involved, it may meet the definition of cyber-harassment or cyberstalking , a crime that can have legal consequences and involves prison time. These include email, instant messaging, social networking sites (like Facebook), text messages, and cell phones.


Collective intimidation tactics are used by more than one individual against a target or target. Trolling behavior in social media, though generally assumed to be individualized by ordinary readers, is sometimes an organized effort by sponsored astroturfers.


Mobbing refers to individual intimidation by a group, in any context, such as family, peer group, school, workplace, neighborhood, community, or online. When it happens as an emotional harassment at work, such as "gang up" by co-workers, subordinates or superiors, to force someone out of the workplace through rumors, satire, intimidation, humiliation, discredit, and isolation, it is also called harassment general, non-sexual, non-race/race, general.

Bullying: It's Actually Decreasing


Disruptors and accomplices

Research has shown that envy and hatred may be the motive for bullying. Research on the intruder's self-esteem has produced a vague result. While some oppressors are arrogant and narcissistic, they can also use bullying as a means to conceal shame or anxiety or to increase self-esteem: by degrading others, the offender feels empowered. The bullies can bully because of jealousy or because they are themselves in the bully. Psychologist Roy Baumeister asserts that people who are vulnerable to abusive behavior tend to have an inflated but fragile ego. Because they think too highly of themselves, they are often offended by criticism and lack of respect for others, and react to this disrespect with violence and humiliation.

Researchers have identified other risk factors such as depression and personality disorders, as well as the speed for anger and use of force, addiction to aggressive behavior, misjudging other people's actions as enemies, paying attention to preserving self-image, and engaging in obsessive or rigid acts.. The combination of these factors can also be the cause of this behavior. In one study of youth, a combination of antisocial and depressive properties was found to be the best predictor of youth violence, while violent video games and television violence exposure did not predict this behavior.

Oppression can also be caused by genetic predisposition or brain abnormalities in the bully. While parents can help a toddler develop emotional regulation and control to limit aggressive behavior, some children fail to develop this skill because of insecure attachment to their family, ineffective discipline, and environmental factors such as stressful home life and siblings hostile. In addition, according to some researchers, bullies may tend to be negative and perform poorly academically. Dr. Cook says that "typical bully has problems solving problems with others and also has academic problems." He usually has negative attitudes and beliefs about others, negative feelings about himself, coming from a family environment characterized by conflict and poor. , regard school as negative and negatively affected by peers ".

In contrast, some researchers claim that some psychologists are the most powerful and have high social standing among their peers, while their targets are emotionally depressed and socially marginalized. Peer groups often promote bullying, and members of this peer group also engage in behavior, such as mocking, excluding, punching, and insulting each other as a source of entertainment. Other researchers also argue that minority bullies, those who are not bullied, love to go to school, and at least want to take days off.

Research shows that bullying adults have an authoritarian personality, combined with a strong need to control or dominate. It has also been suggested that subordinated views of subordinates can be very strong risk factors.

From an ordinary observer

Often, bullying takes place in the presence of a large group of observers who are relatively uninvolved. In many cases, it is the intruder's ability to create the illusion that he has the support of the present majority who instill fear to "speak" in protest at the intimidation observed by the group. Unless the "bully mentality" is effectively challenged in a particular group in the early stages, it often becomes the accepted, or endorsed, norm in the group.

Unless action is taken, "culture of intimidation" is often perpetuated in a group for months, years, or longer.

Observers who have been able to build their own "friendship group" or "support group" have been found far more likely to choose to speak out against bullying behavior than those who do not.

In addition to clear communication expectations that observers should intervene and improve individual self-efficacy, there is growing research that suggests interventions should build on the grounds that bullying is morally wrong.

Among adults, being an intimidating observer at work is associated with depression, especially in women.

From victim

Dr. Cook said that "A typical victim tends to be aggressive, lacks social skills, negative thinking, has difficulty in solving social problems, comes from negative families, school and community environments and becomes clearly rejected and alienated by peers". Victims often have characteristics such as physical weakness, and emotional despair. They may also have physical characteristics that make them easier targets for bullies such as being overweight or having some type of physical disability. Boys are more likely to be victims of physical oppression while girls are more likely to be intimidated indirectly.

The meta-analysis results conducted by Cook and published by the American Psychological Association in 2010 concluded the major risk factors for disturbed children and adolescents, and also to be a bully, is the lack of social problem solving skills.

Disturbed children often show physical or emotional signs, such as: fear of schooling, complaining of headaches or loss of appetite, lack of interest in school activities and spending time with friends or family, and have a sense of overall sadness.

Combating Bullying Among Youth Hockey Players â€


Mona O'Moore from Anti-Bullying Center at Trinity College in Dublin, has written, "There is increasingly research showing that individuals, whether children or adults, who are constantly experiencing abusive behavior are at risk of stress, a disease that can sometimes causing suicide ". Those who are subjected to bullying can suffer from long-term emotional and behavior problems. Oppression can lead to loneliness, depression, anxiety, low self-esteem and increased susceptibility to disease. Oppression has also been shown to cause inequality in children, and bullying targets that are also bullies themselves show greater social difficulty. Mental health reports also found that bullying is associated with eating disorders, anxiety, body dysmorphia and other negative psychological effects.


Although there is evidence that bullying increases the risk of suicide, bullying alone does not lead to suicide. Depression is one of the main reasons why children who are oppressed commit suicide. It is estimated that between 15 and 25 children commit suicide each year in the UK alone because they are harassed. Certain groups seem to have a higher risk of suicide, such as Native Americans, Native Alaskans, Asian Americans, and LGBT people. When a person feels unsupported by his family or friends, it can make the situation worse for the victim.

While some people find it very easy to ignore the bullies, others may find it very difficult and reach the culmination. There are apparent suicide cases that have been reported closely by the media. These include the deaths of Ryan Halligen, Phoebe Prince, Dawn-Marie Wesley, Nicola Ann Raphael, Megan Meier, Audrie Pott, Tyler Clementi, Jamey Rodemeyer, Kenneth Weishuhn, Jadin Bell, Katelyn Nicole Davis, Kelly Yeomans, Rehtaeh Parsons, Amanda Todd, Brodie Panlock, Jessica Haffer, Hamed Nastoh, Sladjana Vidovic, April Himes, Cherice Moralez and Rebecca Ann Sedwick. According to the awareness voice for suicide education, suicide is one of the leading causes of death for young people from ages 15 to 24. More than 16 percent of students seriously consider suicide, 13 percent make plans, and 8 percent have made serious efforts.

Positive developments

Some argue that bullying can teach life lessons and inculcate strength. Helene Guldberg, a child development academic, sparked controversy when she argued that being a bullying target could teach a child "how to manage disputes and improve their ability to interact with others," and that teachers should not intervene but leave children to responding to the bullying itself.

The teaching of such anti-bullying skills to "target candidates" and to others has been found to be an effective long-term tool for reducing the incidence of bullying and a valuable set of skills for individuals.

Facts for Kids About Bullying |

Dark Triads

The study of dark triads (narcissism, Machiavellianism and psychopathy) shows correlation with bullying as part of evidence of the aversive nature of such traits.

Group Of Female Teenagers Bullying Girl Stock Photo, Picture And ...


An oppressor can project his own vulnerability to a targeted bullying event. Despite the fact that the intrusive activity usually aimed at the target of the bully, the true source of negativity is ultimately almost always found in the feelings of personal insecurity and/or the bullying vulnerability itself. Aggressive projections of negatively displaced emotions can occur anywhere from interpersonal levels of interpersonal relations, all the way up to the international macro-political level, or even international armed conflict.

Understanding the Bullying Cycle - KNILT

Emotional intelligence

Bullying is a rough social interaction between peers that can include aggression, harassment, and violence. Bullying is usually repeated and enacted by those in positions of power over the victim. More and more research illustrates the significant relationship between bullying and emotional intelligence (EI). Mayer et al. (2008) defines the overall dimension of EI as: "accurately understanding emotions, using emotions to facilitate thinking, understanding emotions, and managing emotions." This concept combines emotional and intellectual processes. Lower emotional intelligence seems to be related to involvement in bullying, as a bully and/or a victim of bullying. EI seems to play an important role in bullying behavior and victimization in bullying; Given that EI is illustrated to be soft, EI education can greatly enhance bullying and intervention prevention initiatives.

Cuál es el límite entre una broma y el bullying? | Salud180



Cyberbullying is the oppression that is done through the use of technology. This form of intimidation can easily be lost due to lack of parental/authoritative supervision. Because the oppressor can act as someone else, it is the most anonymous form of intimidation. Cyberbullying includes, but is not limited to, abuse using email, instant messaging, text messaging, websites, social networking sites, etc. With the creation of social networks like Facebook, Myspace, Instagram, and Twitter, cyberbullying has increased. Special monitoring organizations have been designed to control the spread of cyberbullying.

Disabling disabled

It has been noted that people with disabilities are disproportionately affected by intimidation and harassment, and these activities have been referred to as hate crimes. Oppression is not limited to those who appear to be disabled, such as wheelchair users or physical disabilities such as those with cleft lip, but also those with learning disabilities, such as autism and developmental co-ordination disorder.

There is an additional problem that those with learning disabilities are often unable to explain things to others, so it is more likely to not believe or be ignored if they complain.

Gay harassment

Gay and gay bashing harassment points directly or indirectly the verbal or physical actions of a person or group against a person who is gay or lesbian, or so regarded as a rumor or because they are considered in accordance with gay stereotypes. Gay and lesbian youth are more likely than straight teenagers to report bullying.

Legal suppression

The oppression of the law is to bring torturous legal action to control and punish a person. Legal harassment can often take the form of reckless, repeated or incriminating lawsuits committed to intimidate the defendant to submit to the plaintiff's request, not due to legal compliance from the position of the litigant, but mainly because of the defendant's inability to maintain a legal battle. It can also take the form of a Strategic Action Against Public Participation (SLAPP). That's partly a concern about the potential for this kind of abuse that helped spark protests against SOPA and PIPA in the United States in 2011 and 2012.

Military bullying

In 2000, the British Ministry of Defense (MOD) defined bullying as "the use of physical force or the abuse of authority to intimidate or sacrifice others, or to impose unlawful punishment".

Some argue that this behavior should be allowed, because the ways in which "soldiering" is different from other occupations. The soldiers are expected to risk their lives, they say, developing the strength of body and soul to receive bullying.

Reframing of children's parents

Parents who may replace their anger, insecurity, or constant need to dominate and control their children in an exaggerated fashion have been shown to increase the likelihood that their own children will in turn be overly aggressive or in control of their peers. The American Psychological Association advises on its website that parents who may suspect that their own children may be involved in intimidation activities among their peers should carefully consider examples that they themselves may assign to their own children about how they usually interact with their own peers. , co-workers, and children.

Jail suppression

A neighborhood known as bullying is in jail. The additional complications are the staff and their relationship with the prisoners. Thus the following possible bullying scenarios may be:

  • Inmate bullies (echoing school bullies)
  • The convict's bullies
  • Staff bully staff (a manifestation of intimidation at work)
  • The convict's bullies

School harassment (student bullying at school)

Oppression can occur in almost every part in or around the school building, although it can occur more frequently during physical education classes and activities such as recess. The persecution also occurs in school hallways, bathrooms, on school buses and while waiting for buses, and in classes that require group work and/or after school activities. Bullying in schools sometimes consists of a group of students who take advantage of or isolate one student in particular and gain the loyalty of the observer who wants to avoid becoming the next target. In the 2011 Bully documentary, we see firsthand the torture experienced by children both at school and on the school bus. As the film follows several children, we see how intimidation affects them both at school and in their homes. While bullying has no age limit, these bullies can mock and tease their target before finally physically membully them. Bystanders usually choose to participate or watch, sometimes out of fear of being the next target.

Oppression can also be done by teachers and the school system itself; there is an inherent power difference in the system that can easily affect subtle or covert torture (relational aggression or passive aggression), humiliation, or exclusion - even while maintaining a real commitment to anti-bullying policy.

In 2016, in Canada, North American law precedents are set by a mother and her son, after her son has been bullied in a public school. Mothers and children won court cases against the Ottawa-Carleton District School Council, making this the first case in North America where the school board has been found negligent in cases of intimidation for failing to meet the standard of care ("caring duties" that the school board owes its students). Thus, it sets a school board precedent found to be responsible for negligence for the harm caused by a child, as they fail to protect children from bullying other students. There is only one case of other similar intimidation and this was won in Australia in 2013 (Oyston v. St. Patricks College, 2013). Sexual bullying

Sexual bullying

Sexual bullying is "Any bullying behavior, whether physical or non-physical, based on a person's sexuality or gender, that is when sexuality or sex is used as a weapon by a boy or girl against another boy or girl - though more generally directed at girls - this can be done to a person's face, behind their back or through the use of technology. "

Trans suppression

Trans bashing is the act of sacrificing someone physically, sexually, orally as they are transgender or transsexual. Unlike gay bashing, it is done because of the actual or perceived gender identity, not the sexual orientation.

Workplace oppression

Workplace oppression occurs when employees experience persistent patterns of persecution from others in the workplace that cause harm. Workplace oppression can include tactics such as verbal, nonverbal, psychological, physical and defamatory violence. This type of aggression in the workplace is very difficult because, unlike typical forms of school bullying, workplace bullies often operate within established rules and policies of their organizations and societies. Workplace oppression is in the majority of cases reported to have been committed by someone in charge of the target. However, oppressors can also be peers, and can sometimes be subordinates.

The first documented use known from "bullying at work" was in 1992 in a book by Andrea Adams called Bullying in the Workplace: How to Deal and Overcome It .

Research has also investigated the impact of larger organizational contexts on bullying as well as group level processes that impact on the occurrence, and maintenance of bullying behaviors. Oppression can be veiled or open. This may be missed by a boss or known by many people throughout the organization. Negative effects are not limited to targeted individuals, and can lead to employee morale and changes in organizational culture. A systematic review of Cochrane Collaboration has found very low quality evidence to show that organizational and individual interventions can prevent bullying in the workplace.

In the academic world

Bullying in the academic world is intimidation in the workplace of scholars and staff in the academic world, especially places of higher education such as colleges and universities. This is commonly believed, although it has not received much attention from researchers as bullying in some other contexts.

In blue collar jobs

Bullying has been identified as prominent in blue collar jobs, including on oil rigs and in mechanical shops and machine shops. It is estimated that intimidation and fear of retribution leads to a decrease in incident reports. In male-dominated industry sectors, usually small education, where disclosure of incidents is seen as a sissy, reporting in socio-economic and cultural environments of such industries is likely to lead to a vicious cycle. This is often used in combination with manipulation and imposition of facts to gain support among high-level officials.

In information technology

A culture of general suppression in information technology (IT), leading to high disease levels, low morale, poor productivity, and high staff turnover. Project work that is controlled by deadlines and stress managers will take over IT workers.

In the legal profession

Suppression in the legal profession is believed to be more common than in some other professions. It is believed that his hostile hierarchical tradition contributes to this. Women, trainees and lawyers who have been eligible for five years or more have an impact, as are ethnic minority lawyers and lesbian, gay and bisexual lawyers.

In medicine

Suppression in the medical profession is common, especially from student doctors or trainees and nurses. It is thought that this is at least partly the result of traditional conservative hierarchical structures and teaching methods in the medical profession, which can lead to bullying cycles.

In nursing

Although The American Nurses Association believes that all nursing personnel have the right to work in a safe, non-abusive environment, bullying has been identified as very common in the nursing profession even though the reasons are unclear. It is thought that relational aggression (the psychological aspects of bullying such as gossip and intimidation) is relevant. Relational aggression has been studied among women but not too many among adult women.

In teaching

Schoolgirls are generally subject to bullying but they sometimes also bullying in school environments.

In other areas

Since the verb for the bully is defined as "forcing one's way aggressively or by intimidation," this term can generally apply to any life experience in which a person is motivated primarily by intimidation, not by a more positive purpose, such as mutual interests and benefits. Thus, any authority figure or force that might use bullying as a primary means to motivate others, such as a "racket don" environment, a national dictator, a childhood ring leader, a terrorist, a terrorist organization, or even a cruel business CEO, can be considered as a bully. According to psychologist Pauline Rennie-Peyton, we each face the possibility of being bullied in every phase of our lives.


Children have observed bullying anthropomorphic robots designed to help parents. Their attacks begin by blocking the path of the robot movement and then escalating into verbal abuse, hitting and destroying objects. Seventy-five percent of the interviewed children thought the robot was "human-like" but decided to abuse it, while 35% of the children who beat the robot actually did it "for fun."



Prevention of oppression is a collective effort to prevent, reduce and stop intimidation. Many campaigns and events aimed at preventing worldwide persecution. Campaigns and preventive suppression events include: Anti-Bullying Day, Anti-Bullying Week, International Youth Day, International STAND to Bullying Day and Month National Counterpr Wece. The Anti-Bullying Act in the US has also been enforced in 23 of its 50 states, making bullying in illegal schools.

A 4-Year-Old Was Repeatedly Attacked by a Classmate. Portland ...

Responding to bullying

Oppression is usually an ongoing and non-isolated behavior. Common ways people try to respond are to try to ignore them, to confront the bully or to switch to authority figures to try and overcome them.

Ignoring it often does nothing to stop the ongoing bullying, and it can get worse over time. It can be important to address bullying behavior early on, as it can be easier to control previously detected. Observers play an important role in responding to intimidation, because doing nothing can encourage it to continue, while small steps against behavior can diminish it.

Authority leaders can play an important role, such as parents in situations of children or youth, or supervisors, human resources staff or parent bodies at work and volunteer arrangements. Authority leaders can have an effect on recognizing and stopping bullying behavior, and creating an environment in which it does not continue. In many situations, people who act as authority figures are untrained and ineligible, do not know how to respond, and can aggravate the situation. In some cases, authority figures even support those who intimidate, facilitate it continually and improve isolation and marginalize targets. Some of the most effective ways to respond are to recognize the ongoing malicious behavior, and create an environment in which it will not continue. Target people have little control over which authority figures they can go to and how such problems will be addressed, but one way of support is to find counselors or psychologists trained in bullying.

Questions Answered - National Bullying Prevention Center


The word "bully" was first used in the 1530s which means "lover", applied to the sex of the Dutch boel "lover, brother", probably small from Middle High German "brother", as long as it is uncertain (compare with German lover buhle.) The meaning worsened through the 17th century through "good fellow", "blusterer", for "weak harassment". This may be a liaison between "lovers" and "bastards" such as "prostitute protectors," which is one of the "oppressor" feelings (though not specifically proven until 1706.) The verb "to bully" was first demonstrated in 1710.

In the past, in American culture, this term has been used differently, as a call, especially notably associated with Theodore Roosevelt and continues to be present in the pulpit of the oppressor and also as a vague/reproachful compliment ("bully for him").

Helping Your Child Deal with Bullies: Nine Posts for Parents ...

See also

How to Create a Bullying Prevention Program


Bullying Poems | Poems about Bullying | Poems for Bullies

Further reading

  • Compact Cohesion MR Guide to Understanding, Controlling, and Stopping Annoying & amp; Oppression: Complete Guide for Teachers & amp; Parent (2007)
  • Bully and Victim at School: a guide to understanding and management by Valerie E. Besag (1989)
  • An Endless Battle by Tim Brown
  • Odd Girls Out: The Hidden Culture of Aggression on Girls "by Rachel Simmons ISBNÃ, 0-15-602734-8
  • Bully, Death at Playtime by Neil Marr and Team Field ISBNÃ, 0-9529121-2-0
  • Bulletins in America: Moms Speaking of Bullying/Suicide Relationships - by Brenda High,
  • Travel Out of Repression: From Hopeless to Hope by Patricia L. Scott
  • "Peer Abuse Know More! Persecution From Psychological Perspective" By Elizabeth Bennett
  • New Perspective on Persecution by Ken Rigby
  • Garbarino, J & amp; de Lara, E. (2003). And Words Can Hurt Forever: How to Protect Youth from Repression, Harassment, and Emotional Violence. Free Press: NY New York.
  • Joanne Scaglione, Arrica Rose Scaglione Children who unpack-proof: practical and practical guide to stop bullying 2006
  • Why Everyone Always Selects Me: A Guide to Dealing with Interruptions for Young People. by Terrence Webster-Doyle. The Curriculum of Books and Teaching.
  • "Why Nerds Are Not Unpopular", by Paul Graham. This essay is an example of how intermediate differences, in hierarchical, zero-sum, or negative environments can lead to ostracism or abuse.
  • Lord of the Flies by William Golding (1954). A famous work depicting how a group of school children trapped on an island fell into cruelty.

Knocking Bullying Out Through RAP MUSIC

External links

  • Citizen Advice in the UK
  • Oppression. Impossible! (Australian Education Authority)
  • Bullying at school (UK - school)
  • "Big Book About the Interrogator"
  • Dare Against the Bullying, UFT project
  • US. Education Department Education Resources Information Center (ERIC)

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Source of the article : Wikipedia
