Selasa, 17 Juli 2018

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Dangers of Governing By Social Media

Donald Trump's use of social media has attracted the world's attention. His main coverage is about his tweets on various subjects, after he joined the social networking site Twitter in March 2009. Trump has often used Twitter and other social media platforms to comment on politicians, celebrities and other daily news. He relies on Twitter significantly to communicate during the 2016 US presidential campaign. Attention to Twitter's Trump activity has increased significantly since he was sworn in as 45th President of the United States and continues to post controversial or false opinions and statements.

Then White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer said during his tenure that Trump's "tweet" was considered an official statement by the President of the United States ". According to a Fox News poll of June 2017, 70 percent of respondents said that Tony's tweet interfered with his agenda and 17 percent said tweet was useful.

Video Donald Trump on social media

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Trump is described as "perhaps the first 'social media' president and 'reality TV' president in an article by Van Jones on the CNN website in October 2017. The past president also has a broad influence by communicating their message through new media channels: , Franklin D. Roosevelt uses radio, John F. Kennedy uses television, and Barack Obama uses the internet.

Social media is an essential part of Trump's presidential election campaign in 2016, and has been credited as a contribution to his victory. In 2016, Twitter followed up beyond its Republican counterpart and approached its Democratic counterpart, Hillary Clinton.

Trump claimed before his inauguration that he would reduce the use of his social media networks like Facebook and Twitter. He also said that social media makes it possible to win elections with little money spent. However, in May 2017, he had a social media audience of more than 45 million followers. This has enabled Trump to "override the mainstream media" and dramatically change the way the president communicates with the public.

Maps Donald Trump on social media


In 2009, marketing staff Peter Costanzo suggested to Donald Trump that he could use social media to draw attention to his book, Think Like a Champion , to be released later that year. He can not use the @DonaldTrump username, because it's already used by a parody account. He and his marketing team decided to use the @realDonaldTrump username. Trump sent his first tweet on May 4, 2009, advertise his upcoming appearance on the Late Show with David Letterman , which is scheduled to air a few days later.

For the first two years, Trump's tweets include the phrase "from Donald Trump" to distinguish it from what his staff wrote, but around June 2011, when Trump platform usage increased, the identifying label disappeared. In the 2016 campaign, researchers observed that several tweets - often with the most critical opinions - were sent from Android phones, while others were sent to Twitter from the iPhone. This indicates that Trump's staff members are still responsible for some messages sent under his account, a suspicion that is largely confirmed using sentiment analysis. As president, Trump stopped using his Android due to security issues; However, machine learning and natural language processing can still often distinguish Trump tweets from being sent in its name, even when the staff attempts to imitate the style of writing.

After Trump's inauguration, he mastered the official Twitter account of the US President (@POTUS), which had been made by the previous President, Barack Obama. Trump's first tweet as president was made from his personal account, but he has used both accounts.

Before the presidential election, it was reported that 8 percent of 7.58 million Trump followers were suspected of bots. In January 2017, Trump had 20 million followers, and an audit by a reporter indicated that 32 percent were fake. By May 2017, his followers jumped to 30 million followers, but only half of which were legitimate accounts. In November 2017, Trump had 42.4 million followers, making it the 21st most popular Twitter account; according to TwitterAudit, only 47% of them are real. As of June 2018, President Trump has over 53 million followers and is the 18th most followed account on the platform.

Live-tweeting Fox & amp; Friends

Trump is a well-known viewer of the Fox News show Fox & amp; Friends and has tweeted reactions to what he has seen on the show on various occasions. One notable example is his tweet on January 2, 2018, when he stated that his "Nuclear Button" is "much bigger & stronger" than Kim Jong Un, following the Fox News segment of "Nuclear Minutes" Jong Un before. Trump watches several hours of cable news every day, using the "Super TiVo" he has installed in the White House. News organizations have compiled a list of Trump tweets that directly repeat what he or she is watching. The result is stories that Fox concentrates into nationally important stories based on the fact that they appear in presidential tweets, preparing for feedback. For his first year at the office, he had mentioned Fox & amp; Friends Twitter account more than any other account.


In January 2016, a review by The New York Times found that one out of every eight posts by Trump on Twitter "is a personal humiliation of some kind". In November 2017, Trump has insulted 394 people (including civilians), places, and things on Twitter, from politicians to journalists and news outlets to the rest of the country. A Trump tweet of 2015 against an 18-year-old student who has challenged him in a New Hampshire political forum led to a wave of online harassment against him. In December 2016, the elected president, Trump responded to criticism from United Steelworkers Local 1999 president in Indiana by tweeting that local union leaders "have done a very bad job representing the workers"; the union president receives a threatening phone call afterward. Trump often nicknames opponents like "Lyin 'Ted".

Share far-right extras

Trump has been criticized for the practice of retweeting or copying material from social media accounts posting antisemit, racist or false information, such as claims that exaggerate the number of crimes committed by blacks.

During campaign

PolitiFact was chosen as a rogue image ripped by Trump claiming that 81% of white murder victims were killed by blacks. Politifact notes that, in addition to being a five-fold magnifier, the claim stems from a non-existent "Bureau of Crime Statistics, San Francisco"; then highlighted this retweet when delivering the "Lies of Year 2015" badge for the Trump presidential campaign as a whole. False statistics were first posted by a neo-Nazi Twitter account.

A picture posted by Trump on July 2, 2016 calls Hillary Clinton the "Most Corrupt Candidate!" and featuring a six-pointed star reminiscent of the Jewish Star of David; the image first appeared in a June 15 tweet by "@ FishBoneHead1," a Twitter account described by the Associated Press as being known for "anti-Clinton and right messages and images" and by Mic as promoting "violence, memes racist, "before making its way to 8chan/pol/on June 22nd. Social media manager Trump Dan Scavino replied that the picture was sourced from him from the Twitter page "where a lot of pictures appeared" and that he had assumed that the star was referring to the sheriff's badge. Below two hours later, the tweet was removed from the Trump account after tweet almost identical to the circle in the star's place, but Trump then blamed the deletion on his staff, stating: "I better defend it." Jeremy Diamond of CNN observed: "It's not the only six-pointed star that evokes anti-Semitism - it's a combination of stars with a background of money and corruption allegations, which show stereotypical views of Jews and money and elicits conspiracy theories that Jews control the political system. "The episode led to Dana Schwartz, a Jewish Trump-in-Chief Jew's employee, Jared Kushner, writing an open letter to him in protest, which he responded to.

First English Videos

On November 29, 2017, Trump retweeted three inflamed and unverified anti-Muslim videos from Britain First, a group of right-wing and British ultranationalists who have a history of posting misleading videos. One video is meant to show an attack by a Muslim immigrant, but the assailant is not a Muslim or an immigrant. Another video was filmed in 2013 during the Syrian Civil War, showing a man, believed to be a supporter of Al-Nusra, smashed the statue of Mary and declared: "No one but God will be worshiped in the land of the Levant." The third video contained a recording that was filmed during the period of violent rioting after the Egyptian coup of 2013. The videos have been distributed by Jayda Fransen, deputy head of Britain First, convicted of aggravated religious harassment in Britain by 2016. Trump promotes inflammatory content from extremist groups without precedent among American presidents modern.

Trump's actions are widely condemned both in the US and abroad by politicians, commentators and religious leaders of various religions and across the political spectrum; also by some civil rights groups and organizations and advocacy. The incident resulted in Trump's call to be banned from Britain, but his invitation to visit Britain was not withdrawn. When asked by PBS NewsHour, 29 Democrats and four Republican senators criticized the tweet. Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Theresa May said in a statement, "it is wrong for the president to do this" and "the First British are trying to divide the community through the use of their hate narratives that peddle lies and trigger tension.

Trump's tweet division was praised among the right wing, raising Islamophobic comments on social media, and raising the First England profile. In England, it was praised by Fransen himself and by British leader First, Paul Golding, who said "Donald Trump himself has retweeted these videos and has about 44 million followers! God Bless You Trump!"

White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders defended Trump's tweets, saying, "Whether it's a real video, the threat is real and that's what the president is talking about." On 30 November 2017, Sanders said that Trump's actions "increase the conversation to talk about real problems and real threats, that is extreme violence and extreme terrorism." Trump responded to criticism from May by publicly admonishing him on Twitter, sparking a rare crackdown between the United Kingdom and the United States. On December 18, almost three weeks after being retweeted by Trump, First British accounts, Paul Golding and Jayda Fransen were all suspended by Twitter.

In a January 2018 interview with Piers Morgan for Good Morning Britain, Trump said he was not familiar with Britain's First when he retweeted them, stating, "If you told me they were horrible, horrible people , a racist person, I will definitely apologize if you want me to do that. "

Other controversial tweets

Trump Tower tapping allegations

Terrible! Just learned that Obama "wired my cable" at Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!

March 4, 2017

In a series of tweets on March 4, 2017, President Trump declared he "just found out" that former president Obama has tapped the phone in his office at Trump Tower during the final months of the 2016 election. The chirp resulted in a week of media attention given to the allegations, although there is rare evidence. The fake news website also takes the charge, and one even claims that the arrest warrant Barack Obama has given. He did not say where he got the information and gave no evidence to support him. Trump compares the alleged intrusion to McCarthyism and Watergate. Anonymous White House officials told The Washington Post that Trump does not seem to coordinate its comments with other White House officials.

In September, CNN reported that the FBI tapped Paul Manafort, former head of the Trump campaign, in 2016-17, either during or after his tenure with the Trump campaign. This does not confirm the accuracy of the Trump tweet, as it is unknown whether Manafort's supervision took place at Trump Tower and there is no evidence that Obama requested wiretaps, endorsed by a Foreign Intelligence Supervisory (FISA) warrant.

Investigating Russian influence

Trump has repeatedly attacked former FBI Director James Comey, who was fired Trump from office, via Twitter. Trump has posted angry tweets directed at Robert Mueller, who was appointed as a special prosecutor to investigate Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.


Apart from constant negative press covfe

May 30, 2017

On May 31, 2017, Trump sent a tweet that read, in its entirety, "Regardless of the constant negative press covfef". It soon became viral, becoming an Internet meme and a source of widespread jokes. The tweet was retweeted more than 127,000 times, and was favored over 162,000 times, making it one of the most popular tweets in Trump in a few months, when people speculate on the meaning of "covfefe". Six hours later, Trump removes the tweets and posts the others, asking people what they think "covfefe" means. The Independent then notes that "covfefe" probably means "coverage".

Outside the camera, at a press conference later on the same day, Sean Spicer responded to a question about a tweet with a statement "the president and a small group of people know exactly what he means". No further explanation is given during the briefing. Some journalists, observing that Spicer did not seem to be joking, worried about the implications. Conservative columnist Jonah Goldberg, writing for the National Review, considers it unlikely that "covfefe" is "some esoteric code word," suggesting otherwise, "Spicer feels compelled to protect the myth of Trumpian infallibility at all costs". Megan Garber felt that Spicer's response further divided the White House from the public by giving a possible "conspiracy" type odor. At The Call Post, Callum Borchers has argued that a deliberately vague answer is a deliberate tactic to distract media and public attention from other government controversies.

Leonid Bershidsky, writing for Bloomberg View, compares the phenomenon to the incident in which President Ronald Reagan made a mistake while joking with the live microphone, "We started bombing in five minutes." Bill Coffin of Compliance Week stated: "In Reagan's case, he immediately admitted the mistake and pressed him in. In the Trump case, he sent the wrong message and then let it sit for hours without permission."

Two weeks later, Democratic representative Mike Quigley passed a law entitled Communications on Electronic Bait for Engagement (COVFEFE). The bill will amend the President's Note Law to include social media, requiring tweets and other social media posts by the US President to be preserved by law.

About a year later, on May 17, 2018, Trump joked, "I heard covfefe" in response to memories of Yanny or Laurel.

The state of Georgia forbids the use of the word "covfefe" on the vanity license plate.

In 4Chan, some trump proponents have tried to decipher the "Covfefe" message by entering the corresponding atomic numbers of Co (Cobalt) V (Vanadium), Fe (iron), and Fe (iron). These numbers are equal to 27232626. After these numbers are inserted into the Google search bar, the first result is the Green frog. According to 4Chan users, this is an allusion to Kek, a widespread internet meme aimed at the fictional nation of Kekistan. In the story of Kekistan, there is a green frog statue found inside the nation, and a man who uses an Internet-connected computer is illustrated on the pedestal of the statue. With this information, 4Chan users have concluded that Trump wrote "Covfefe" purely for the creation of new memes.

Comments about Sadiq Khan

After the June London offensive in 2017, London Mayor Sadiq Khan condemned him and said that "the city remains one of the safest in the world" and "no reason to be wary" over the increased police presence around the city. The last comment was taken out of context and criticized by Trump in a tweet: "At least 7 people were killed and 48 wounded in a terror attack and the Mayor of London said there was no reason to be on guard!"

Trump's comments are described as a deliberate misunderstanding of Khan's comments by his spokesman, as well as by former US Vice-President Al Gore. Prime Minister Theresa May said that "Sadiq Khan did a good job and it was wrong to say anything else". Conservative Minister Penny Mordaunt and Liberal Democrat leader Tim Farron also support Khan. Farron said, "Sadiq Khan has shown a calm and dignified determination in the face of these cowardly terrorist attacks, he is more than a statesman than Donald Trump would ever have." Lewis Lukens, the former US ambassador to England, and the United States Conference of Mayors expressed their support, with Lukens praising Khan's "strong leadership" in leading London forward after the attack and also praising the "overwhelming response" of law enforcement communities.. Trump tweeted the next day that the Mayor of London offered "a sad excuse" for his statement, and alleged that the mainstream media "worked hard to sell" Khan's explanation. When asked about these comments after standing guard near Tower Bridge, Khan stated that he was busy dealing with after the attack and stated that he had not "had time to respond to tweets from Donald Trump".

The Trump Sons, Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump, defended his comments and claimed that Khan, who worked alongside the security services and held a flame for victims of the attacks, did not do enough to combat terrorism. Trump Jr. stating that Khan should stop attacking his father, despite the fact that Khan did not respond to Trump's comments.

Senator John McCain criticized the comments made by Trump, stating that America "does not show leadership around the world." During the same discussion, McCain also commented that former President Barack Obama and his government have offered better leadership. He was later partially withdrawn by stating that only "different aspects" were better during the Obama presidency, but still stood up with his critique of the Trump social media outlook.

2017-18 Qatar diplomatic crisis

Qatar's diplomatic crisis is an escalation of Qatar-Saudi Arabia's proclamation conflict, which began when some countries unexpectedly cut off diplomatic ties with Qatar in June 2017. These countries include Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Egypt, citing Qatar alleged support for terrorism as the main reason for their actions. Termination of relations includes appealing ambassadors, and imposing trade and travel restrictions. President Donald Trump claimed credit for engineering the diplomatic crisis in a series of tweets. On June 6, Trump began by tweeting: "During my last trip to the Middle East, I declared that there was no more Radical Ideology funding. The leaders pointed to Qatar - see!" One and a half hours later, he said on Twitter that "it's good to see Saudi Arabia's visit with the King and the 50 countries have paid off, saying they will take a hard line on funding extremism, and all references [sic] leads to Qatar. "Perhaps this will be the beginning of the end of horror terrorism!" This is in contrast to efforts by the Pentagon and the State departments to remain neutral. The Pentagon praised Qatar for hosting the Al Udeid Air Base and for "lasting commitment to regional security." US Ambassador to Qatar, Dana Shell Smith, sent a similar message. Earlier, the US Secretary of State had taken a neutral stance and called for dialogue.

Comments about Morning Joe host

I heard bad value @Morning_Joe speaks poorly about me (do not watch anymore). Then how can I.Q. Crazy Mika, along with Psycho Joe, came..

June 29, 2017

... to Mar-a-Lago 3 nights in a row around New Year's Eve, and insisted on joining me. He had a severe bleeding from face-lift. I said no!

June 29, 2017

On June 29, 2017, Trump tweeted about Morning Joe host Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough, who on the previous day had talked about Trump on their show. The tweet refers to the host as "low I.Q, Mika Gila, along with Psycho Joe", and claims that Brzezinski tried to join Trump on New Year's Eve but was rejected because he bleeds from a facelift.

The comment quickly met with criticism from left and right. Paul Ryan, Speaker of the House, stated, "Obviously, I do not see that as a proper comment." Nancy Pelosi, Minority Leader of the United States House of Representatives, stated that the tweet "really makes me sad because it is so under the dignity of the president of the United States to engage in such behavior". Republican Senator from Maine, Susan Collins, tweeted, "It must be stopped - we all have jobs - 3 branches of govt and media.We should not get along, but we must show respect and decency." Rebuk also came from Oklahoma Republican Sen. James Lankford, New York Democratic Representative Nita Lowey, and Kansas Republic Representative Lynn Jenkins.

MSNBC stated, "This is a sad day for America when the president spends his time bullying, lying and spewing minor personal attacks rather than doing his job." Aaron Blake of the Washington Post wrote an article entitled "Trump's very bad tweet about Mika Brzezinski is the microcosm of his struggling presidency."

Apparently in defense of Trump, Melania Trump spokesman Stephanie Grisham released the statement: "As Mrs First said openly in the past, when her husband was attacked, she would hit back 10 times harder." Sarah Huckabee Sanders stated, "Look, I do not think that the president ever became someone who was attacked and did not push back... This is a president who fights fire with fire and certainly will not be allowed to be disturbed by liberal media and liberal elites in Hollywood or anywhere. "

On July 1, 2017, Trump tweeted "Joe Gila Scarborough and stupid-like Mika rocks are not bad guys, but their low rating event is dominated by their NBC boss.

After this tweet, Trump's approval rating declined from 40% to 37%, according to a Gallup poll. However, the average poll of RealClearPolitics shows that its approval ratings remain virtually unchanged within the same time period.

wrestling video CNN

On July 2, 2017, Trump tweeted a video of himself attacking Vince McMahon during WrestleMania 23 with a CNN logo on top of McMahon's face. In response, Brian Stelter of CNN issued a statement saying that Trump "encourages violence against journalists" and "engages in adolescent behavior far below the dignity of his office". CNN also responded to the tweet by quoting Sarah Huckabee Sanders who claimed the previous week "The president never shaped or fashion ever promoted or encouraged violence." Domestic Security Advisor Tom Bossert said that "no one will consider [tweet] a threat." Trump later said that CNN took the post too seriously, adding that CNN had "wounded themselves very badly".

The clip appeared in Pro-Trump subreddit,/r/The Donald, about four days earlier, and was created by a Reddit account that had previously posted racist, antisemit, and fanatic content. A White House official later denied that the video was from Reddit; the official refused "to answer questions about where the president obtained the clip." On July 5, 2017, the tweet has been retweeted more than 340,000 times, making it the most retweeted post.

Comment on North Korea

Just heard the North Korean Foreign Minister speaking at U.N. If he echoes the Little Rocket Man thinking, they will not be there anymore!

September 23, 2017

In September 2017, Trump posted a tweet about North Korea that some perceived to violate Twitter rules against the threat of violence. Trump September 23 tweet stating "Foreign Minister Just heard from North Korea speaking at U.N. If he echoes the thoughts of Little Rocket Man, they will not be around much longer!" ("Little Rocket Man" is Trump's nickname for North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.) Trump posted a tweet five days earlier, stating that under certain circumstances, "we'll have no choice but to really destroy #NoKo". On September 25, Twitter stated that among the factors they consider whether tweets violate their rules are news worthiness and whether tweets are in the public interest. The Company recognizes that these guidelines are internal, and states that they will update their public rules to reflect them.

Attacks on the federal government judges, officials, departments and FBI

As president, Trump has often used Twitter to carry out personal attacks on federal judges who have voted against him in court cases. In February 2017, Trump referred to US District Judge James Robart, who had ordered the Trump travel ban to take effect, as "the so-called judge" and wrote, "If anything happens, blame him and the court system. "The jurists expressed concern that the comments were damaging the federal courts and could" undermine public confidence in an institution capable of checking its power. "

In June 2017, Trump criticized the US Department of Justice himself for defending the "politically correct ban" of the travel ban (signed by Trump in March 2017) in court, rather than an early version of Trump's ban signed in January 2017 (and later declared unconstitutional by federal court). In January 2018, Trump tweeted that his Justice Department was part of a "deep country" of America. In March 2018, Trump tweeted that "there was an incredible leak, lies, and corruption at the highest level of the FBI, the Department of Justice & amp; Earlier in December 2017, Trump tweeted that FBI's "reputation" was at its worst after years under James Comey.

In June 2017, Trump tweeted that the investigation by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein about Trump (through special adviser Robert Mueller) was "witch hunt". In March 2018, Trump reiterated that "Mueller's check should never start" and is "WITCH HUNT!".

Trump has tweeted the rejection of Attorney General Jeff Sessions on various occasions.

In October 2017, Trump tweeted that Foreign Minister Rex Tillerson was "wasting his time trying to negotiate with" North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. In March 2018, Trump fired Tillerson through a tweet.

In February 2018, after National Security Adviser HR McMaster said there was "undeniable" evidence that Russia had interfered in the 2016 election, Trump tweeted that McMaster "forgot to say" that Russia has colluded with Democrats and that Russia has no impact on election results.

Block Twitter users

@ RealDonaldTrump accounts have blocked various Twitter accounts from viewing their Twitter feeds.

Lawyers from the Knight First Amendment Institute of Columbia University said in a letter to Trump that the blocking of users by the president from his view had violated their right to freedom of speech under the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States.

In July 2017, a group of Twitter users who had been blocked from Trump's personal Twitter account filed a federal suit, alleging that the @realDonaldTrump account was a public forum, and blocking access to it was a violation of constitutional rights. The lawsuit, filed in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, also names defendants White House press secretary Sean Spicer and director of social media Dan Scavino. The plaintiffs are represented by the Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University.

In May 2018, US District Judge Naomi Reice Buchwald of the Southern District of New York ruled that the plaintiffs "are undisputedly blocked as a result of a discriminatory point of view." He also decided that the @ realDonaldTrump element is a public forum. Integration of the point of view in elements that constitute a public forum is a violation of the First Amendment.

Effects on litigation

Trump's statement in tweet has been cited in the court's challenge to his actions as president; His Twitter post about Muslims has been significant in legal challenges to Executive Order 13769 (which Trump has called "travel ban"), because the court has considered Trump's statement in assessing the motivation and purpose of the order. In 2017, Trump's tweet was cited by the US Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit and the US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, which upheld the ruling that bans the Trump executive order as unconstitutional. In his opinion, the Fourth Circuit cites "the background of public statements by the President and his counselors and representatives" as evidence that the command "drips with religious intolerance, animus, and discrimination"; The Ninth Circuit writes that "throughout this judicial process, the president continues to make general, often inflamed, statements about the Muslim faith and its followers," including through the Tweets. Peter J. Spiro, a law scholar at Temple University, noted that Twump's anti-Muslim video tweet in November 2017 is almost certain to be cited by the third Trump's version challenger of travel ban, as evidence that the injunction was unconstitutionally motivated by anti-Animus Muslims.

Trump's tweet was also quoted by the US District Court for the District of Columbia in his decision at Jane Doe v. Trump issued a preliminary injunction prohibiting Trump's ban on services by transgender people in the army in order not to be enacted.. The court ruled that Trump's sudden policy announcement in Twitter comments undermined his claim that the ban was motivated by genuine concern for military efficiency. The Court wrote:

"[Trump] suddenly announced, via Twitter - without any formalities or deliberative processes that generally accompany the development and announcement of major policy changes that will greatly affect the lives of many Americans - that all transgender individuals will be prevented from participating in the military in any capacity This situation provides additional support for the Plaintiffs claim that the decision to exclude transgender individuals is not motivated by sincere concerns about military efficacy. "

Securities in the stock market

On December 22, 2016, Trump posted: 'Based on the tremendous cost and cost overruns of Lockheed Martin F-35, I have asked Boeing to set a comparable F-18 Super Hornet price!' After this post, Lockheed Martin's shares dropped significantly, but Boeing's share price just increased slightly. Another example is on August 17, 2017 on Amazon: 'Amazon does massive damage to retailers who pay taxes. Cities, cities, and states across the US are being hurt - a lot of work is gone! 'After that, Amazon's market capitalization declined to $ 6 billion. However, there are also contradictory examples: The New York Times stocks remain stable or even rise when Trump posts about 'failing New York Times .'

Removal of tweets

Although the National Archives and Archive Administration have recommended archiving all social media posting to comply with the President Records Act, the Trump Administration has removed several public posts. After the disappearance of Senator Alabama Luther Strange for Justice Roy Moore in September 2017 primer for Senate special election, Trump removed at least two previously posted tweets to support Strange. In November 2017, after criticism from the UK Prime Minister's office of retweeting Trump from several videos of the first right wing nationalist group of Great Britain (see Ã,§§ First Video of the UK), Trump tweeted on Twitter users @theresamay, while possibly intending to target @theresa_may; Trump then removes the original tweet, and sends a new tweet targeting @theresa_may with the same content.

In June 2017, the CREW watchdog group and the National Security Archive filed a lawsuit against Trump, stating that the removal of the tweet was the destruction of a presidential record in violation of the 1981 President Records Act.

Disabling short

Trump's personal Twitter account is disabled for eleven minutes on November 2, 2017. An official POTUS account stays online during the period when the personal account is offline. Twitter announced that the account closure was unintentional. Moments later, he followed up with information that the customer support employee deliberately deactivated his account on his last day of work. On November 29, 2017, a Turkish German male named Bahtiyar Duysak was identified by the media as a Twitter employee who disabled the account. Donald Trump blames "naughty employees" for losing his account.

In an interview with TechCrunch and CNN Duysak underscored that he did not do anything illegal. Duysak works for Twitter's Trust and Safety division while in the US for work and study visas. After the incident, Duysak moved back to Germany. He stated that his visa was over.

Satire, archive, and reaction

In June 2017, The Daily Show and Comedy Central's satirical news program established a temporary museum space on West 57th Street, next to Trump Tower in Manhattan, dedicated to Trump's tweets.

In August 2017, former CIA agent Valerie Plame Wilson set up a GoFundMe fundraiser page in an attempt to buy a majority of shares on Twitter and drive Donald Trump out of the network.

Some commentators see Trump tweet-tweet has a purpose or effect distract from the problem. And Mahaffee of the Presidential and Congressional Study Center argues that Trump's tweet-tweets are distracted from pressing national issues, writing that to ignore Trump's tweets "as powerful explosions or merely stream-of-conscious responses to current events will greatly underestimate its impact and achieve "and argues that Trump tweets increase" trivial by sacrificing consequential consequences. " Financial Times columnist Courtney Weaver sees Trump's Twitter attack against NFL players kneeling during the national anthem as" weapon mass diversion "that distracts the humanitarian crisis in Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria, and writes that" The more time spent discussing the president's final stance with the NFL, the less time spent discussing the latest failed Republican attempts to uproot and replace Obamacare, and other administrative flaws. "Analyst Philip Bump of the Washington Post sees Twump Trump as an attempt to divert attention when unfavorable news is related to an inquiry by Robert S. Mueller III's special adviser.

Other commentators disagree with the notion that Trump tweets are a nuisance. Essayist Frank Rich from the New York magazine argues that Twump Trump (1) is often news in them; (2) shows an increasing instability in the administration of Trump; and (3) not intended for news consumers, but rather "intended to raise the base" of its supporters.

Where Donald Trump got his real power - CNN

Other social media platforms


During the 2016 campaign, Trump posted a number of ads on his Facebook page, attacking Hillary Clinton. Ads include a parody of Pokémon © Go Go and Pac-Man , describes Hillary Clinton as Pokémon mon and as Ms. Pac-Man. He also used the platform to issue an apology for the recording of Donald Trump and Billy Bush. As president, he received criticism for posting news about Kuwait's travel ban similar to Executive Order 13769; The Kuwaiti foreign minister affirmed that there is no such prohibition.

A series of allegations that occurred a week after Facebook confirmed that the company is ready to cooperate with a parliamentary committee investigating the relationship between the Trump and Russia election campaigns. Facebook revealed on this occasion that the account is tied according to its analysis to the Russian government has bought about 100 000 dollars Facebook advertising during the election campaign, what will be an important intervention in the US election.

In response, Trump claims that Facebook is against it, criticizing the website in a series of comments on Twitter published on September 27. He said, "Facebook is always anti-Trump, TV channels are always anti-Trump, where fake news - the New York Times (the apology) and the Washington Post are anti-Trump. Zuckerberg replied directly to Donald Trump in a statement posted to Facebook: "Trump says Facebook is against him Liberal says we are helping Trump Both sides are angry about ideas and content they do not like It is what runs the platform for all visible ideas. "

A Wired article confirms that since Trump's Facebook advertising is controversial, it is billed less per advertisement than Clinton, as it is driven by clickrate from its ads. In response to this, Facebook released data showing that Trump is billed more for its ads, but does not provide data on how ads are shared by users.


Donald Trump originally used his personal account on Instagram ( @realDonaldTrump ) primarily to share personal photos, including pictures of himself with his grandchildren. In September 2015 - then with about 377 Ã, thousand followers - he used the platform to release political ads. This ad, "Act of Love", attacked Jeb Bush's main opponent on the topic of immigration. Along with Bush's response, it shows that Instagram can be a political tool rather than just a personal photo-sharing app. Trump also uses the platform to contribute to the 2016 Ghostbusters movie controversy by posting videos that criticize female players. In response, director Paul Feig claimed that "Trump's supporters" were responsible for some of the "internet hate" directed at the film.

When Trump became president, his personal account has grown to more than 5 Ã, million followers. He also took over the official account ( @whitehouse ), where he posted a photo of his inauguration. At that time, it is expected that the official account will primarily feature the work of the White House Chief Photographer once one is selected; However, Shealah Craighead contributed relatively little, especially when compared to Pete Souza's work during the Obama administration.


On July 27, 2016, Trump took part in Ask Me Anything (AMA), where he responded to a question raised by users from the Reddit/r/The Donald community. He offers replies to topics that vary from media bias and voter fraud to NASA, including questions about H-1B visas posed by right-footed media personalities Milo Yiannopoulos. Trump also posted some pre-debate messages about the subreddit.


From 2011 to 2013 or 2014, Trump created over 80 installments from a vlog on YouTube called "From Donald Trump's Table". In it, he discusses various topics, ranging from serious issues such as the Libyan Civil War, Obamacare, and the American labor market for less weighty matters, including the Vanity Fair Oscar party and his dislike about Mike Retone Questions from Mike McGlone for GEICO. In some installments, he speculated about the possibility of a presidential nomination in 2012 that never happened, but many of the themes featured on the vlogs were part of his successful campaign in 2016. As of June 2017, most of these videos are no longer available on YouTube under Trump account.

Social Media Disrupts Traditional Politics â€

See also

  • Barack Obama in social media
  • Donald Trump's presidential campaign, 2016
  • List of nicknames used by Donald Trump
  • Fake news
  • List of internet phenomena
  • List of most users followed on Twitter
  • Twitter usage by public figure
  • Twitter Diplomacy

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External links

  • President Trump (official) on Twitter
  • Donald Trump (private) on Twitter
  • Donald Trump on Instagram
  • President Trump (official) on Facebook
  • Donald Trump (personal) on Facebook
  • Donald Trump in Reddit
  • From the playlist of the Desk of Donald Trump on YouTube
  • Trump Tweet on CNN
  • Donald Trump lists delete tweets in Factbase
  • Trump Database archives searchable

Source of the article : Wikipedia
