Spanish monarchy (Spanish: MonarquÃÆ'a de EspaÃÆ' Â ± a ), constitutionally referred to as Crown (Spanish: La Corona ), is a constitutional institution and historic office of Spain. Historically, this is also referred to as Hispanic Monarchy (Spanish: MonarquÃÆ'a HispÃÆ'¡nica ) and Catholic Monarchy (Spanish: MonarquÃÆ'a CatÃÆ'³lica ).
The monarch consists of the ruling monarch, his family, and the royal household organization that supports and facilitates the king in performing his duties and prerogatives. The Spanish monarchy was represented by King Felipe VI, his wife, Queen Letizia, and their daughters Leonor, Princess Asturias, and Infanta Sofa.
The Spanish Constitution of 1978 reestablished a constitutional monarchy as a form of government for Spain. The 1978 Constitution affirms the role of the King of Spain as the personification and embodiment of the Spanish State and a symbol of the eternal unity and eternity of Spain. Constitutionally, the king is the head of state and commander-in-chief of the Spanish Armed Forces. The Constitution codified the use of royal and titulary styles, the prerogatives of the kingdom, succession to generation for the crown, compensation, and contingency of district trust in minority cases or the inadequacies of kings. According to the constitution, the king also plays a role in promoting relationships with "the countries of his historical community". The King of Spain serves as president of the Ibero-American State Organization, supposedly representing over 700,000,000 people in twenty-four member countries worldwide. In 2008, Juan Carlos I was considered the most popular leader in all of Ibero-America.
The Spanish monarchy has its roots in the Visigothic Kingdom founded in Spain and Aquitania in the fifth century, and its Christian successors fought against the Reconquista following the Umayyad invasion of Hispania in the 8th century. The dynastic marriage between Isabella I of Castile and Ferdinand II of Aragon united Spain in the 15th century. The last pretender of the Byzantine Imperial Crown, Andreas Palaiologos, sold his imperial title to Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castile before his death in 1502.
The Spanish Empire became one of the first global forces when Isabella and Ferdinand funded Christopher Columbus's exploratory journey across the Atlantic Ocean. This led to the discovery of America, which became the focus of Spanish colonization.
In 2010, the budget for the Spanish monarchy was 7.4 million euros, one of the lowest public expenditures for monarchist institutions in Europe.
Video Monarchy of Spain
The monarchy in Spain is rooted in the Visigothic Kingdom and its Christian successor states in Navarre, Asturias (later Leon and Castille) and Aragon, who fought against the Reconquista or the Re-Conquest of the Iberian peninsula after the invasion of Umayyid Hispania in the 8th century. One of the earliest influential dynasties was the House of JimÃÆ'Â © nez which united many Iberian Christians under his leadership in the 11th century. From Sancho III of Navarre (r 1000-1035) to Urraca LeÃÆ'³n and Castile (r.1106-1125), family members JimÃÆ'Â © nez claimed the historic Visigothic title Imperium totius Hispaniae or
The marriage union of the Catholic Monarchy
In the 15th century, a marriage between Isabella I of Castile and Ferdinand II of Aragon, both members of the House of TrastÃÆ'¡mara, known as the Catholic Monarchy, united two important kingdoms on the Iberian peninsula. Every kingdom maintains its basic structure. In 1492, the Catholic Monarchy conquered the Kingdom of Granada in southern Spain, the last Muslim territory on the Iberian peninsula. This date marks the unification of Spain.
The territory of the Spanish empire overseas was the dependence of the crown of Castile, and Castile had a great influence there. After Spanish exploration and settlement in the Caribbean, the Spanish conquest of Mexico and the Spanish conquest of Peru, the crown established the High Court (Audiencias) in important regions and viceroyalitas (Mexico, 1535, Peru, 1542) with the viceroy (viceroy)) and Audiencias effective administrator of the royal policy.
Habsburg monarchy
In the early 16th century, the Spanish monarchy controlled several areas in Europe under King Charles Habsburg (also Holy Roman Emperor as Charles V), son of Queen Joanna of Castile. His government ushered in the Spanish Golden Age (1492-1659) period of great colonial expansion and trade. In 1700, Charles II was the last of the Habsburgs of Spain.
Bourbon Monopoly
With the death of Charles II who had no children, the succession of the throne was disputed. Charles II has appointed his granddaughter, Maria Theresa, Philip of France, Duke Anjou, as his heir. The possibility of the unification of Spain with France, the two great European powers at the time, sparked the Spanish Succession War of the eighteenth century, culminating in the treaties of Utrecht (1713) and Rastatt (1714) maintaining the balance of European power.
In the mid-eighteenth century, especially under Charles III of Spain, the Spanish crown embarked on an ambitious and far-reaching project to carry out major reforms in the administration of Spain and the Spanish kingdom. These changes, collectively known as the Bourbon Reform, seek to rationalize the administration and generate more income from the foreign kingdom.
Philip V was the first member of the House of Bourbon (Spanish: BorbÃÆ'³n ) to rule Spain, a dynasty that still reigns today under Felipe VI.
During the Napoleonic War, the French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte forced Ferdinand VII to abdicate in 1808 and the Bourbons became the focus of popular resistance against the French government. However, Ferdinand's rejection of the liberal Spanish Constitution of 1812, the appointment of his ministry, particularly the liberal exceptions, gradually eroded popular support for the Spanish monarchy. With the Pragmatic Sanction of 1830, Ferdinand set aside the Salis Law, introduced by Philip V, which forbids women becoming rulers of Spain. Thus, as was commonplace before the arrival of Bourbons, Ferdinand VII's eldest daughter, Isabella, became the heir apparent. Opponents of Pragmatic Sanctions argue that it was never officially announced, claiming Ferdinand VII's sister, Prince Carlos, the legitimate heir to the crown according to the Salic Law.
First Spanish Republic
In September 1873, the First Spanish Republic was founded. A coup d'etat restored the Bourbon dynasty to the throne in 1874.
Second Spanish Republic and Francisco Franco's Regime
In 1931, local elections and municipalities resulted in victories (especially in urban areas) for candidates who supported the end of the monarchy and the establishment of the republic. Facing riots in the cities, Alfonso XIII went into exile, but did not abdicate. The next provisional government evolved into the relatively short-lived Second Spanish Republic. The Spanish Civil War began in 1936 and ended on 1 April 1939 with the victory of General Francisco Franco and his allied coalition coalition commonly referred to as the Nationalists. Italian fascists and Nazi Germany helped Franco in the Spanish Civil War. British MI6 Operative fly Franco from Canarie Islands to Northern Africa to take over the Spanish Legion. Russian Stalinists support the Republican Government.
After sixteen years without monarchy or kingdom, in 1947, Spain was made a further Kingdom by General Franco, who claimed to rule Spain as the Head of the Kingdom of Spain under the Law of Succession. However, without a king on the throne, he ruled through a coalition of allied organizations of the Spanish Civil War including, but not limited to, the Falange political party, a supporter of the Bourbon royal family, and the Carlis, until his death in 1975.
Re-establishment of the Monarchy
Despite Franco's alliance with Carlists, Franco appointed Juan Carlos I de BorbÃÆ'³n as his successor, who is credited with leading the Spanish transition from dictatorship to democracy by fully supporting political reform.
Impatient with democratic reforms, the new king, known for his tough personality, sacked Carlos Arias Navarro and appointed reformer Adolfo SuÃÆ'¡rez as President of the Government in 1977.
The following year the king signed a new law The Spanish liberal democratic constitution, approved by 88% of voters. "Fast and steady wisdom." Juan Carlos cut off a military coup attempt in 1981 when the king used a specially designed command communications center at the Zarzuela Palace to denounce a coup and order the captain-general to step down.
Following the events of 1981, Juan Carlos leads a less interesting life, according to author John Hooper. Juan Carlos does not lead ceremonies such as the opening of hospitals and bridges as often as kings in other countries. Instead, he worked towards establishing a dependable political habit when transitional one government, emphasizing constitutional law and protocol, and representing the domestic and international Spanish Countries, while aiming to defend a non-partisan, non-partisan independent monarchy.
The Crown, the constitution, and the royal prerogative
The historic crown of Spain, ( la Corona de EspaÃÆ' Â ± a ) with its roots in the Visigothic kingdom of the 5th century and subsequent successors, is recognized in Title II The Crown , Articles 56 to 65 of the Spanish Constitution of 1978. Constitutionally, the monarchy embodies and manifests the unity and immortality of the Spanish State, and represents the personality of the laws of the State and with the expansion fulfilling the role of "Father of the Nation". As a unifying figure for the nation, in 2010 King Juan Carlos worked to "bridge the gap" between polarized political parties of Spanish rivals to develop an integrated strategy in response to the ongoing economic crisis in the late 2000s.
According to the Spanish Constitution selected in a referendum, the power of sovereignty comes from the people, so the same people who give the king the power to govern:
National sovereignty is the property of the Spanish people, from whom all State power comes from.
The King "mediates and moderates the regular functions of the institutions" and assumes the highest representation of the Spanish State in international relations. The king performs a function clearly given to him by the constitution and the law.
The King is the Head of State, a symbol of unity and immortality. He mediates and moderates the regular functioning of institutions, assuming the highest representation of the Spanish State in international relations, especially with the peoples of its historical community, and performing functions clearly given to it by the Constitution and the law.
After the crown accession and proclaimed before Cortes Generales, the king vowed to faithfully implement his constitutional obligations and obey the constitution and state law. In addition, the constitution gives the king additional responsibility to ensure that the constitution is adhered to. Finally, the king vows to respect the rights of Spanish citizens and self-governing communities. Prince Asturias, after reaching the age of majority, in addition to every regent (s) on the office assumption, swears as the oath is equal to the king along with the oath of allegiance to the king.
(1) The king, proclaimed before Cortes Generales, will vow to perform his duties faithfully, to obey the Constitution and laws and to ensure that they are obeyed, and to respect the rights of citizens and self-government Society (2) Crown Prince , at the time of coming of age, and the Regent or Regent, assuming the office, will swear as the same oath and loyalty to the King.
The oath reads as follows:
The 1978 Constitution, Title II The Crown , Article 62, describes the king's power, while Title IV Government and Administration , Article 99, defines the role of king in government. Title VI Judicial Power , Articles 117, Articles 122 to 124, describes the role of the king in an independent state court. However, with the constitutional convention established by Juan Carlos I, the king exercised his prerogative by asking for government advice while maintaining a non-partisan and independent political monarchy. Accepting government advice does not always bind the king to execute suggestions, unless specified by the constitution. The action shall always be signed in the manner specified in article 64. Without such re-signing, they shall not apply, except as provided for in article 65 (2)
This is the king's duty:
- a. Sanction and disseminate the law
- b. To call and dissolve Cortes Generales and call elections under the provisions of the Constitution.
- c. To call for a referendum in cases set out in the Constitution.
- e. To appoint and dismiss members of the Government at the suggestion of the President of the Government.
- f. To issue a decision approved at the Council of Ministers, to give civilian and military respect and distinction in accordance with the law.
- g. To be informed of the affairs of the State and, for this purpose, to preside over the Council of Ministers meeting every time, he sees fit, at the request of the President of the Government.
- h. To run the highest command of the Armed Forces
- i. To exercise the right to pardon in accordance with the law, which may not authorize general pardon.
- j. To train the Royal Academy's High Trust.
Style, title, and Fount of Honor
The 1978 Constitution confirms the king's title is the King of Spain , but he can also use other titles that are historically associated with the Crown.
The titles used by Alfonso XIII prior to his exile in 1931 which, under the terms of this constitution, the king has the right to use include:
His Catholic King, Spanish King, King of Castile, LeÃÆ'³n, Aragon, of Two Sicily, Jerusalem, Navarre, Granada, Seville, Toledo, Valencia, from Galicia, from Sardinia, from CÃÆ'³rdoba, from Corsica, from Murcia, from JaÃÆ'Â Â © n, from Algarves, from Algeciras, from Gibraltar, from the Canary Islands, from the East and West Indies, from the Islands and the Oceanic Oceans; Archduke from Austria; Duke of Burgundy, Brabant, Milan, Athens and Neopatria; Count of Habsburg, from Flanders, from Tyrol, from Roussillon, and from Barcelona; Lord of Biscay and Molina de AragÃÆ'³n; Captain & amp; Supreme Commander of the Royal Armed Forces; Sovereign Grand Master from the Order of Golden Fleece and from orders provided by the Spanish state.
According to the Decree of the Government of 1368/1987, regulating the title, care and honor of the royal family and the regents, the king and his wife, queen consort, will be officially called "Your Majesty and the Noble" ( Their Noble, Su Majestad , Su represents Him or He ) than the traditional "Catholic Catechism" ( Su CatÃÆ'³lica Majestad ). A prince queen, husband of a queen, will have the style of "Your Majesty" ( Su Alteza Real ). Widows and widowers of the king must maintain these styles until they get married again. The heirs from birth will have the title of Prince Asturias and other titles historically linked to his successor. This additional title includes Prince of Viana , historically associated with the heirs of the Navarre Kingdom; with the title of Prince Girona and Duke of Montblanc historically linked to the heir to the throne of Mahkota Aragon, among others. The other sons of the king, and the children of the heirs, must have the title and rank of Infante or Infanta (prince or daughter) i> His or Your Honor ( Su Alteza Real ). Children from Infante or Infanta from Spain "will have the consideration of the Spanish Grandees", and the address "Your Majesty". Government decisions further limit the ability of each regent to use or make a title during a minority or a king's inability. There is no further constitutional language that sets the title or form of the address to the fourth generation, or grandchildren, from the ruling king.
After his release in 2014, Juan Carlos I and his wife Sofa retained the title of honor of King and Queen of Spain.
The position of the king as a source of honor in Spain is codified in Article 62 (f); It is ruling over the king to "[...] grant civilian and military positions and respectful honors and differences according to law". According to the Spanish Ministry of Justice, the title of nobles and grandparents was created by "sovereign king's grace", and can be passed on to the recipient's heirs, who may not sell the title. Titles can be returned to the Crown when their vacancies are observed. Title successes may follow one of several courses listed in the Concession Title when the title is created. As a general rule, most titles are now inherited by absolute Cognitive Primogenitures (in 2006), where they first inherit all titles regardless of gender. However, a title holder may appoint his successor, Succession by Task , or dissolve his title among his children - with the oldest earning the highest ranked title, Succession by Distribution .
During his reign between 1975 and 2014, King Juan Carlos granted a noble title to two former prime ministers who have retired from active politics: Adolfo SuÃÆ'¡rez, created as Duke of SuÃÆ'¡rez; and Leopoldo Calvo-Sotelo created as the Marquess of la RÃÆ'a de Ribadeo. All successive politicians remain active in politics.
The king not only provided military and civilian orders, but also gave recognition of differences, usually on the advice of the government. The most prominent command that the king may give is the Order of Charles III to "citizens who, with their efforts, initiative and work, have brought exceptional and extraordinary service to the Nation". The Laureate Cross of Saint Ferdinand is the highest military award in Spain for valor. Awards and other historic differences include the Spanish Order of the Golden Feather, the Catholic Isabella Order, the Order of Alfonso X, the Royal Order and the Military Saint Hermenegild, the Order of St. Raimundo de Penafort, the Military Order of Merit, the Order of Naval Merit, the Order of Civil Merit , The Order of Cultural Merit, the Order of Calatrava, the Order of Knights of Santiago, the Order of Sant Jordi d'Alfama, and the Order of Alcantara, among others.
Inviolablity and lÃÆ'¨se majestÃÆ' Â ©
The Spanish king is personally immune from demands for acts committed by government ministers on behalf of the king. This legal convention reflects the concept of sovereign immunity that evolved in a similar constitutional monarchy. The legal concept of sovereign immunity evolved into yet another aspect of immune law in the same liberal democracy, such as parliamentary immunity, judicial immunity, and quality immunity in the United States.
The person of the King of Spain is inviolable and irresponsible. The action shall always be signed in the manner specified in section 64. Without such re-signing, they shall not apply, except as provided for in article 65 (2).
The concept of lÃÆ'¨se majestÃÆ'Â Â © ( lesa majestad ) exists in the jurisprudence of Spain, which is a crime or violation that violates the dignity of the head of state or the State itself. According to Article 56 of the 1978 Constitution, the king and the dignity of the Spanish State are one and the same: "The King is the Head of State, the symbol of unity and immortality". Violating the law lÃÆ'¨se majestÃÆ'Â © Spain can carry fines and up to two years in prison. This concept is in the same legal scope as the law that prohibits flag desecration in other democratic countries. In addition, the lÃÆ'¨se majestÃÆ'Â © extends to every head of a foreign country visiting Spain, and other members of the royal family, and to the President of the Government of Spain as the appointed officer of the king.
The Spanish satirical magazine El Jueves was fined for violating Spanish lÃÆ'¨se majestÃÆ'Â © law after publishing the issue with the caricature of Prince and Princess Asturias involved in sexual intercourse on its cover in 2007. On In 2008, 400 members of the Catalonia separatists burned images of kings and queens in Madrid, and in 2009 two Galician separatists were fined for burning the king's statues.
Succession and district
According to Article 57 of the Spanish Crown bequeathed by the successor of King Juan Carlos I de BorbÃÆ'³n through primitive quotial primboniture Article 57 is also significant in that it completely omits the appointment of Franconist era Juan Carlos as Franco's successor. While drafting a new constitution, lawyers and liberal Congressman JoaquÃÆ'n SatrÃÆ'ºstegui (1909-1992) insist that the legitimate heir phrase of the historic dynasty is included in the text to underline that the monarchy is a historic institution that precedes the previous constitution or regime. In addition, SatrÃÆ'ºstegui "wants to remove" the presumption that a constitutional monarchy has the origins of Francois, according to author Charles Powell.
The Spanish crown will be inherited by HM's successor Juan Carlos I de BorbÃÆ'³n, the legitimate heir of the historic dynasty. Succession to the throne must follow the order of ancestors and ordinary representations, the first line having preference over the next lines; and in the same line a class closer to the more distant one; and in the same level men over women, and in the same sex, older ones above the younger ones.
The male cognitive preference preference has been practiced in Spain since the 11th century in various substitute states of the Visigoth and codified in Siete Partidas, with women able to inherit under certain circumstances. However, with the succession of Philip V in 1700, the first of the Spanish Bourbons, women were banned from succession until Ferdinand VII reintroduced his rights and appointed his elder daughter Isabella as his presumed heir in 1833.
The debate about changing the law of succession of the Crown was at the forefront of October 31, 2005, when Infanta Leonor was born of the current King and Queen of Spain. Turning the law into an absolute firstborn, known in France as aÃÆ'®nesse intà © Ã… © grale will allow the eldest son to inherit the throne, whether male or female heir. The Zapatero government on that day declared its intention to amend the succession law, but with the birth of the princess of the two kings, the issue was placed on the back of the stove. Paving the way, in 2006 King Juan Carlos issued a decree that reformed a succession to a noble title from the preference of the male ancestor to absolute primogeniture. Since the sequence of Crown succession is codified in the Constitution, its reform mandates a complex process involving the dissolution of parliament, constitutional elections, and referendum.
Constitutionally, Felipe VI's current heirs are;
The king, the government, and Cortes Generales
- (1) After each renewal of Congress and other cases regulated under the Constitution, the King shall, after consultation with representatives designated by political groups with parliamentary representation, and through the Speaker. Congress, nominate for the Government Presidency.
- (2) Candidates nominated in accordance with the provisions of paragraph above shall be subject to the Congress of the Government's political program which it wishes to form and shall seek the trust of the Parliament.
Royal approval, judgment, and passage of the law
King and international diplomacy
King as Supreme Commander
This is the king's duty [...] to run the Supreme Command of the Armed Forces.
The king trains the Supreme Command of the Armed Forces and other powers related to national defense as set out in the constitution and other laws.
However, Title IV of the constitution embraces the administration of the armed forces and the formulation of a national defense policy with the President of the Government, a civilian officer nominated and appointed by the king, confirmed by an elected Deputy Congress and, as such, is a representative of the Spaniards.
The Royal Decree of 1310 on 5 October 2007 required the National Defense Council to report to the king, and that the king would be Chairman of the Council when he attended his sessions. The National Defense Council is Spain's highest advisory body on security and defense issues and performs the same basic functions as the US National Security Council. King Juan Carlos presided over the first complete board meeting on November 10, 2007, in which the newly proposed National Defense Directive was reviewed along with ongoing war missions in Afghanistan, Kosovo, Bosnia and Lebanon.
As Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces, the king holds the highest office in the chain of command of the military. The rank of the king included the Captain General of the Army, Navy and Air Force. The king is the only officer in the military who holds the rank of this 5-star General. The king is very interested in all aspects of military policy as evidenced by his "direct participation in the life of the Spanish Armed Forces". The participation of kings in Spanish military life stems from its constitutional obligation to "mediate and moderate" the regular work of state institutions. Serving in the armed forces is regarded as the hope of the heir to the throne, and Juan Carlos serves in various branches of the armed forces before he becomes king. Likewise, Felipe, as Prince of Asturias, has served in the armed forces.
The King has made his desire for a strong relationship with the apparent armed forces in speeches to the officers' corps:
I do not feel alien in your company, and my function is not limited to being your king and holding the Supreme Command of the Armed Forces. I am also your colleague... I feel one more among you... because my youth has been formed, just like you and with many of you, in the military academy where virtues are praised and infused qualities that are not modified by time or by the changes that may occur in society [...] In my heart, in all my existence, side by side with my love for the country, thrill the military spirit, and I feel always identified with my friends in the military, with your worries, your sadness, your satisfaction and hope You. So when I see you're happy, I'm happy. When I feel you are sad, I am sad. And all, really all your worries, all really all your problems are attracted to your king and Captain-General of your colleagues-with the same intensity that is felt by you.
Maps Monarchy of Spain
Contemporary monarchy
Popularity and criticism
Prior to the Spanish financial crisis of 2008, the monarchy has traditionally enjoyed widespread support and popularity by Spanish citizens since its constitutional restoration in 1978, according to Fernando Villespin, president of Centro de Investigaciones SociolÃÆ'³gicas (CIS, English: Sociological Research Center According to Villespin, the traditional approval rating of more than 70% kings over the years consistently defeated elected political leaders, with the same percentage of respondents considering that the king played an important role in safeguarding Spanish democracy. Public confidence in the kingdom of Juan Carlos "only comes behind the National Ombudsman", Villespin continues. Members of the royal family were routinely chosen among the most respected public figures in Spain, and in 2010 as many as 75% of Spaniards placed the monarch as "above any other public institution in the country", according to Dr Juan DÃÆ'ez-NicolÃÆ' ¡S , former president of CIS and founder of private consulting firm ASEP ( AnÃÆ'¡lisis SociolÃÆ'³gicos EconÃÆ'³micos y PolÃÆ'ticos ). The CIS, an independent, non-partisan government-funded research institute, has been researching the monarch's general opinion since 1984 and tracking the three basic lines of inquiry; what is the public's trust in the monarchy, what is the role of monarchy in the democratic system, and the extent to which the king contributes to the democratic process.
The king was routinely regarded as one of the ten most popular figures in Spain, with as many as 80% of Spaniards believing the Spanish transition to democracy would not be possible without the personal interference of the king. Charles Powell's historian and biographer told BBC News in 2008 that "There is a deep feeling of gratitude for the king's role in the transition to democracy [and] the Polls show that he is the one to which democratization is most closely linked, and the gratitude of cutting class lines and ideology. "
Before the economic crisis, part of the appeal of the empire may lie in the personal characteristics of Juan Carlos, whose philosophy of his family, of personal integrity, and on selfless work ethics unfold in the intimate personal letter of father's advice to his son Felipe. , Prince Asturias, between 1984 and 1985, when Felipe went to college in Canada. According to Juan Carlos, a king should not just take a position but work for the welfare of the people, be kind, caring and helpful, and "appear vibrant even when you are tired, even when you do not feel like him; attention even when you are not interested; help even when it takes effort [...] You need to look natural, but not vulgar, cultivated and aware of the problem, but not long-winded or arrogant ".
Juan Carlos melanjutkan;
Those who have been chosen by God to be king and become the head of a country's destiny have no other choice but to begin to understand the importance and special characteristics of that position, since it can be said that they began to become adults long before other boys were their age. If in life it is equally important to shape and strengthen enough character to enable us to lead, it's no less to know how to obey. Regardless of the high position we hold in life, it will always be important to know we also have the duty to perform and obedience always involves real honor [...] We must build a close family united, without gaps or contradictions, we must not forget that at all and on each one of us is determined the eyes of the Spaniards that we must serve with body and soul. I do not want to extend my first letter again so as not to exhaust you, but I hope this and also that I managed to send leave a deep impression on you and read calmly and seriously.
"I must stand full of insults and insults, incomprehensions and distractions that you, thank God, do not know yet", remind the king to his son in one letter. Personal papers from father to son remain in the royal household, but are copied and released into the public domain without prior consent or information, according to a Zarzuela court official who confirmed the authenticity of the letter.
However, the monarchy became the focus of acute criticism from the left and right sides of the Spanish political spectrum, and by regional separatists. 22% of Spaniards felt that a republic would be a better form of government for Spain, while separatists and independence supporters in Basque and Catalonia countries routinely protested the monarchy as a living symbol of a Spanish united. The left side criticizes the monarchy as anachronistic, while the far right criticizes King Juan Carlos personally because he has given royal approval and tacit approval of what they consider to be a liberal agenda in Spain and the secularism of Spanish life.
The monarchy was subjected to sharp criticism during the financial crisis, especially in 2012 which became a kind of "annus horribilis" for the monarchy, as members of the royal family were increasingly seen as out-of-step with mainstream Spanish or drawn into scandals. Queen Sofa was criticized in 2008 for inadvertently expressing her personal opinion about gay marriage in a publicly released biography that year. In 2011, the son-in-law of the king, IÃÆ' Â ± aki Urdangarin, Duke of Palma de Mallorca, was accused of money laundering and madness for using his relationship with the royal family for personal financial gain. In April 2012, the grandson of the king, 13-year-old FroilÃÆ'¡n, shot himself in the leg during the target practice at his father's home, echoing the same but far more serious weapons crash involving the king in 1956. According to historian, then aged Juan Carlos 18 years old was cleaning a gun when he accidentally shot to death his 14-year-old brother, Alfonso. Also in 2012, the monarchy was seen as out-of-touch during the financial crisis when the king went on a safari hunt in Botswana while Spanish citizens suffered from crippling unemployment and austerity measures at home. In addition, sports hunting vests and king rifles were photographed on top of dead elephants resting on a tree. Despite public knowledge of the king's interest in hunting, this drawing is in stark contrast to his support from the branches of the world conservation group, the World Wildlife Fund, and with Spanish public opinion trending towards animal hunting. Although elephant hunting is legal on game reserves in Botswana, the World Wildlife Fund lists elephants as endangered species, and public condemnation causes WWF to expose its honorary patronage king in July 2012. With the discontinuous public support the monarch feels has fallen to the lowest point only 49%, according to a Metroscopia survey in December 2011.
The king took steps to reconcile public confidence in the monarchy. After a scandal surrounding the Duke of Palma de Mallorca, the king speaks in his 2011 National Speech that no one is above the law. In addition, the king discussed the monarchical perennial criticism by publishing the budget spent on monarchy and royal households. In 2012, the king and Prince Asturias appeal for an additional 7% salary in solidarity with government officials, bringing the king's taxable income to 2012 around 270,000 euros, and a prince's salary of 131,000 euros. From the events surrounding the safari, the regretful monarch issued a rare apology and said, "I'm so sorry, I made a mistake, it will not happen again." Furthermore, the king and Prince Asturias increased public involvement, especially business, in an effort to promote the "Spanish Brand," as the king said when he answered written questions. Mantra king for Spanish business; "Export, export, export!" The Spanish business magnet is united with the king; "From the company's point of view, [King Juan Carlos] is the No. 1 Spanish ambassador," said CÃÆ'Ã… © sar Alierta, chairman of the Spanish telecommunications giant TelefÃÆ'³nica. The King is also credited with negotiating a $ 9.9 billion deal for a Spanish consortium in Saudi Arabia to build a high-speed rail line by utilizing his personal relationship with Saudi King Abdullah and ahead of France's offer. "Without a king, this contract will not run," according to former Spanish foreign minister Miguel Angel Moratinos. The role of the king as a "business diplomat and dealer" for the benefit of his country was revealed during the safari scandal, as the safari was paid by Mohamed Eyad Kayali, a Syrian construction monarch and old friend of the king. The two are working together on a deal that bestows the Haramain High Speed ​​Rail Project into the Spanish consortium. For monarchists, the king is "an irreplaceable resource" with unmatched relationships with other world leaders. Analysts praised the king by easing tensions between former Jose José Zapatero and the George W. Bush administration, while also helping resolve disputes in Latin America.
The poll released in April 2012 revealed that the Spanish public generally forgave the king over recent scandals, but hoped for greater monarchy transparency. However, criticism is increasingly shrill against many senior members of the royal family as investigations continue to dominate headlines throughout 2013. In action to preserve Spanish constitutional stability Juan Carlos I abdicated on June 19, 2014, in support of his popular son, now reigns as King Felipe VI.
At the time of his resignation La Razon found that more than 77 percent of respondents rated King Juan Carlos's leadership as "good" or "excellent." Seventy-two percent think monarchy is an important factor for political stability. Spanish society also provides a broad positive opinion not only about kidnapping but from its government as a whole. According to a poll taken by El Mundo, believe the king's government is good or very good, up from 41.3 percent. Overall, 55.7 percent of those surveyed in the June 3-5 survey by Sigma Dos supported the monarchy institution in Spain, up from 49.9 percent when the same question was raised six months earlier. 57.5 percent believe Felipe VI can restore the lost prestige of the royal family. The majority of Spaniards believe that Felipe VI will be a good king and more than three quarters sure that Juan Carlos deserves to surrender the throne to his son.
Charity, cultural and religious endeavor
Members of the royal family are often invited by non-profit, charity or religious organizations in Spain or internationally to become their patrons, a role recognized by the Spanish constitution. Royal Patronage conveys a sense of official credibility as an organization that is examined for conformity. The presence of the kingdom often greatly enhances the profile of the organization and attracts public attention and media coverage that the organization may not have, assisting in charities or cultural events. The nobles use their large celebrities to help the organization raise funds or to influence or promote government policy.
Members of the royal family also pursue charitable and cultural goals with a special interest for themselves. As a prince, King Felipe heads the Prince of Asturias Foundation (Fundación PrÃÆ'ncipe de Asturias), which aims to promote "the scientific, cultural and humanistic values ​​that form part of the universal heritage of mankind." The Prince of Asturias Foundation organizes an annual award ceremony that recognizes the contributions of individuals, entities, and organizations that make significant achievements in science, humanities, or public affairs. Felipe serves as president of Codespa Foundation, which finances certain economic and social development activities in Ibero-America and other countries, and serves as president of the European Association of Spanish Journalists' branch of communications professionals. Felipe also serves as the honorary chairman of the Ministry of Culture's National Award Ceremony.
Queen Sofa devotes most of her time to the Queen Sofa Foundation ( FundaciÃÆ'³n Reina SofÃÆ'a ). Founded in 1977 from the queen's personal fund, the non-profit aims to help, promote, and develop the spiritual and physical needs of men and women from diverse backgrounds, with a particular focus on progress, prosperity, and justice. Infanta Elena, Duchess of Lugo, the eldest daughter of the king, is the Director of the Cultural and Social Project of the Mapfre Foundation, while Infanta Cristina, Duchess of Palma de Mallorca, the youngest daughter of the king, served as the Honorary Ambassador to the UN for 2nd World Assembly on Aging, from the Board of Trustees of the Dalá Foundation, the president of the International Foundation for Disability Sailing, and the Director of Social Welfare at the La Caixa Foundation in Barcelona where he lives with his family.
Kings, queens, and Infanta Cristina are all members of the Bilderberg Group, an informal think tank centered on US and European relations, and other world issues.
King Juan Carlos built the tradition of presenting the annual National Anniversary of Christmas, entitled "Mensaje de S.M. Juan Carlos I," a personal message of himself as king of the nation broadcast by radio and television through various media. King Juan Carlos usually refers to social or economic challenges facing the nation as well as positive messages of charity, goodwill, and religious beliefs. In 2004, the speech was closely related to the Madrid Madrid 2004 bombing; in 2006 he spoke of the need to be a united state against terrorism (in the implicit support of Zapatero's anti-terrorist policy), and he cited the growing power of immigrants in Spain and appreciated their contribution to the economy.
Household H.M. King
The royal family organization, constitutionally La Casa de Su Majestad el Rey , supports and facilitates kings and members of the royal family in fulfilling their hereditary constitutional responsibilities and obligations. The royal household was funded through an annual budget drafted by the government today in consultation with the king, and brought Cortes' approval, and then paid directly to the king. Royal households coordinate with various government administration ministries, and receive their advice and support when necessary, even though no royal household is part of government administration. The royal household staff served the king with pleasure, and did not resign when the Spanish government resigned during the election cycle. The royal family is administered by the Head of Household who checks and supervises all household operations through various agencies or offices of the Secretariat General. The Head of Household is assisted by the Secretary General. The Secretariat General is divided into various departments including the secretariat (bureau) of King Juan Carlos (since 2014); planning and coordination; secretariat (bureau) of H.M. Queen; security services; communication; protocol; and administration, infrastructure and services. Before the throne, Felipe VI has its own secretariat as Prince Asturias.
The Spanish Armed Forces were represented by the Military Chief of Staff, who had not advised the king on the issue of national defense, which was the portfolio of the Minister of Defense and the President of the Government to advise the king. In contrast, the Chief of the Military Room coordinates the operations and royal military ceremonies, and prepares the royal family for any military activity. The Military Chamber is directed by a commander who must be an active lieutenant general or general in the Spanish army, and is under direct command of the king. The Commander maintains the office with military legal advisers, auditors, and heads of sections for staffing, protocols, operations and logistics. The king was assigned a private-de-camper for his help, and with extensions for his queen wife and for Princess Sofa. Aides-de-camp is taken from all services, from the Army, from the Navy, from the Air Force, and from the Civil Guard. Princess Asturias has the right, in the future, a personal helper, taken from soldiers, navy and air forces.
Household Chief, Secretary General, and Chief of Military Chamber are considered senior management staff and compensated at the level of senior government administration officials. In 2004, the royal household employs 100 staff members.
The royal household PR department manages and maintains an official website on behalf of the royal family known as Casa de S.M. El Rey . This website includes biographical information about members of the immediate royal family, mapped out their activities, recorded speeches delivered at events, and published expected diaries of upcoming events, among other information. In addition, the public relations department publishes the king's diary of his personal meetings and minutes of meetings, as long as the other party agrees.
Residences and royal sites
Kings and queens lead many official functions at the Oriente Palace in Madrid. However, King Felipe and Queen Letizia and their family live in the Pavilion, a modest house in El Pardo estate, near the home of his parents in La Zarzuela. King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofa have spent s