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Pirate Who Leaked X-MEN ORIGINS: WOLVERINE Gets One Year In Prison

X-Men Origins: Wolverine is the 2009 American superhero film based on the fictional character Marvel Comics Wolverine, distributed by 20th Century Fox. This is the fourth installment of the X-Men movie series and the first spin-off of the stand-alone Wolverine trilogy. The film is directed by Gavin Hood, written by David Benioff and Skip Woods, and is produced by and starring Hugh Jackman. It co-stars Liev Schreiber, Danny Huston, Dominic Monaghan, and Ryan Reynolds. The film is a prequel/spin-off that focuses on the violent past of the mutated Wolverine and its relationship with his stepbrother, Victor Creed. The plot describes Wolverine's childhood as James Howlett (Troye Sivan), his first encounter with Major William Stryker, his time with Team X, and the Wolverine skeleton with metallic adamantium that can not be destroyed during the Weapon X program.

The film is mostly taken in Australia and New Zealand, with Canada also serving as a location. Filming took place from January to May 2008. Production and post-production problems, with weather and other Jackman's delay, incomplete scenarios still being written in Los Angeles while main photography rolled out in Australia, a conflict arising between Hood and Fox executives, and unfinished paperwork leaked on the Internet a month before the film debut.

X-Men Origins: Wolverine was released worldwide on May 1, 2009, the film was financially successful, opened at the top of the box office and generated gross revenues of $ 179 million in the United States and Canada and more than $ 373 million worldwide. Due to the mixed critical reaction and despite its success at the box office, plans for X-Men Origins: Magneto were finally canceled and the draft script submitted to Matthew Vaughn and his prequel; X-Men: First Class .

The second Wolverine movie, The Wolverine , was released in 2013 for positive reviews and greater commercial success. The third film, Logan , was quoted by critics as one of the best superhero movies, and marked Hugh Jackman's final portrayal of the character.

Video X-Men Origins: Wolverine


In 1845, James Howlett, a boy living in Canada, witnessed his father being killed by garden gardener Thomas Logan. Anxiety activates the child's mutation: bone claws protrude from his knuckles, and he ignites Thomas, who reveals that he was James's real father before he died. James escapes with the other Thomas's son, Victor Creed, who is James's half-brother and has a mutation of healing factors like James. They spent the next century as soldiers, fought in the American Civil War, the Second World War, and the Vietnam War. In Vietnam, Victor is increasingly violent trying to rape a Vietnamese woman, and killing a senior officer who tried to stop him. James happened to fight and defend Victor, resulting in a couple who were sentenced to execution by a firing squad, whom they survived because of their mutant healing abilities. Major William Stryker approached them in military custody and offered them membership in Team X, a group of mutants including Agent Zero, Wade Wilson, John Wraith, Fred Dukes, and Chris Bradley. They joined the team for several years, with James now using Logan alias, but Victor and the lack of empathy groups for human life caused Logan to leave.

Six years later, Logan works as a woodcutter in Canada, where he lives with his girlfriend Kayla Silverfox. Stryker and Zero approached Logan at work. Stryker reports that Wade and Bradley have been killed, and he thinks someone is targeting a team member. Logan refuses to rejoin Stryker, but after discovering Kayla's bloody body in the woods, Logan realizes that Victor is responsible. She finds him at a local bar, but Logan loses in the next fight. Afterwards, Stryker explains that Victor has become naughty, and offers Logan a way to be strong enough to take revenge. Logan underwent a painful operation to strengthen his skeleton with adamantium, an almost indestructible metal. After the procedure is complete, Stryker tries to betray Logan by ordering his memory to be removed so that he can be used as a Stryker personal weapon, but Logan overhears this and runs off to the nearest farm, where an elderly couple takes him inside. Zero kills them the next morning and tries to kill Logan, but Logan drops Zero's helicopter and vows to kill Stryker and Victor.

Logan put John and Fred in the boxing club. Fred explained that Victor still works for Stryker, hunting for mutants for Stryker to experiment in his new laboratory, located in a place called "The Island". Fred mentions Remy "Gambit" LeBeau, the only one who fled the island and therefore knows its location. John and Logan found LeBeau in New Orleans, then both against Victor, who killed John and extracted his DNA. Agree to help release the mutant that Stryker has captured, Gambit takes Logan to the Stryker facility on Three Mile Island. Logan knows that Kayla is alive, has forced Stryker to follow him in exchange for his sister's safety. However, Stryker refused to release his sister and denied Victor the promised adamantium ties to his service, claiming that the test results revealed Victor would not survive the operation. Stryker activates Wade, now known as Weapon XI, "mutant killer" with multiple mutant forces.

While Logan and Victor join forces to fight the Weapon XI, Kayla is severely injured leading the captive mutant to Professor Charles Xavier and salvation. After Logan kills Weapon XI, Stryker arrives and shoots Logan in the head with an adamantium bullet, leaving Logan unconscious. Before Stryker can shoot Kayla, he picks it up and uses his mutant power to persuade him to turn and walk away until his feet bleed. Logan regains consciousness but loses his memory. He watched his dog tag read "Logan" on one side and "Wolverine" on the other. She paused after watching Kayla's body, but did not recognize her, and left the island.

In addition, Tim Pocock photographed young Scott Summers. Max Cullen and Julia Blake play Travis and Heather Hudson, the elderly couple who take care of Wolverine after her adamantium bond. Hudsons is highly adapted from the comics' James MacDonald and Heather Hudson.

Tahyna Tozzi describes Emma, ​​a mutant with the power to turn her skin into a diamond, which in this film is the sister of Silverfox. Emma's portrayal of the film was originally meant to be Emma Frost. However it is noted that he does not show traditional telepathic character skills. It was later revealed by Bryan Singer that this character was actually not Emma Frost, but a mutant with the same ability.

Wolverine's parents also appear in movies; Aaron Jeffery plays Thomas Logan while Alice Parkinson plays Elizabeth Howlett. Peter O'Brien emerged as John Howlett, James's father.

The film includes many cameo appearances from younger character versions of previous films, including Jason Stryker (telepathic son who was given William Stryker's lobotomy he kept in cryogenic suspension). There was a cameo for the young Storm, which could be seen in the trailer, but it was removed from the released film.

The digitally remade Patrick Stewart also made an unrecognized cameo as a young Charles Xavier who apparently has not lost the use of his legs. However, with the inconsistency of timelines and stories in the series, Singer developed the idea to tie all the movies together and improve continuity. In X-Men: First Class Xavier lost the use of his legs at a much younger age, than he appeared in Origins . As an explanation, Xavier can be seen running on X-Men: Days of Future Past (which chronologically occurs before the events of this film), by creating the illusion that he stands in various scenes. , whereas in reality the character only comes with telepathic projection.

Asher Keddie plays Dr. Carol Frost. The poker player Daniel Negreanu has a cameo. Phil Hellmuth wants to join him but can not because he is committed to an event in Toronto. X-Men co-creator Stan Lee says he will be a cameo, but Lee eventually does not appear in the movie because he can not attend the filming in Australia.

Maps X-Men Origins: Wolverine



David Benioff, a fan of comic books, pursued the project for almost three years before he was hired to write a script in October 2004. In preparing for the script, he reread the story of Barry Windsor-Smith "Weapon X", also Chris Claremont and Frank The 1982 Miller series is limited to the characters (favorite storyline). Also serving as inspiration is the limited series 2001 Origin , which reveals Wolverine's life before Weapon X. Jackman collaborated on the script, which he wanted to be more part of the character than the previous X -Men film. Skip Woods, who wrote Hitman for Fox, was then hired to revise and rewrite Benioff's writings. Benioff has been eyeing a story that is "darker and slightly more brutal", writing it with R's judgment in mind, though he admits the final tone of the film will be in the hands of producers and directors.

Deadpool had been developed for his own film by Reynolds and David S. Goyer in New Line Cinema in 2003, but the project was a mess when they focused on Blade: Trinity and a canceled spinoff. Benioff wrote the characters into the script in a way that Jackman describes as a fun thing, but will also deviate from some of his attributes. Similarly, Gambit is a character that filmmakers have tried to incorporate into previous X-Men movies. Jackman likes Gambit because he is a "loose gun" like Wolverine, stating their relationship echoes that Wolverine and Pyro are in the original trilogy. David Ayer contributed to the manuscript. Benioff completed his draft in October 2006, and Jackman stated there would be a year before filming, as he was scheduled to start filming Australia during 2007. Before the 2007-2008 Writers Guild started, James Vanderbilt and Scott Silver were recruited for writing last minute reset.

Gavin Hood was announced as project director in July 2007 for the 2008 release. Earlier, both X-Men and Bryan Singer and X-Men: The Last Stand i> director Brett Ratner interested in returning to the franchise, while Alexandre Aja and Len Wiseman also wanted the job. Zack Snyder, who was approached for The Last Stand , refused this movie because he directed Watchmen . Jackman sees the parallel between Logan and the main character in the previous Hood movie Tsotsi . Hood explains that although he is not a fan of comic books, he "realizes that Wolverine's character, I think his great appeal lies in the fact that he is someone who in some ways is filled with a lot of self-hatred by him. continue to fight with its own nature ". The director describes the movie's theme as a focus on Wolverine's inner struggle between animalistic barbarity and noble human qualities. Hood enjoyed the previous films, but set out to give the spin-off a different flavor. Hood also advises to make the implicit blood connections of Wolverine and Sabretooth to them explicitly being half-siblings, as it will help "build up the emotional power of the film". In October, Fox announced the release date of May 1, 2009 and the prefix of X-Men Origins .


The initial shooting took place at Fox Studios Australia in Sydney, at the end of 2007. The main photography started in January 2008 in New Zealand. One of the selected filming locations is Dunedin. The controversy arose when the Queenstown District Council denied the Labor Department decision to allow Fox to store explosives at a local ice skating rink. Fox moved some explosives to another area. The explosives were used to shoot the exploding Hudson Farm, a scene that requires thirteen cameras. Jackman and Palermo's Woz Productions reached an agreement with the board to allow recycling specialists on the set to suggest production to be environmentally friendly. According to Hood, the scenario is still incomplete when filming begins, with production in Australia receiving a new script page regularly from Los Angeles, on the night before filming.

The filming continued in Fox (where most of the filming was done) and New Orleans, Louisiana. Cockatoo Island is used for Stryker facilities; the big buildings there save money to develop a set digitally. The film production is predicted to generate A $ 60 million for the Sydney economy. The subject of photography ended on May 23. The second unit continued filming in New Zealand until March 23, and is scheduled to continue filming for two weeks after wrapping up the first unit. This included a flashback to Logan during the Normandy Landing, which was shot in Blacksmiths, New South Wales.

Hood and Fox are at loggerheads about the movie's direction. One of the disputes involved depicting Wolverine as an Army veteran with post-traumatic stress disorder, with executives arguing that viewers would not be interested in the weighty theme. The studio had two replacements installed before Richard Donner, husband producer Lauren Shuler Donner, flew to Australia to ease the tension. Hood commented, "Out of a healthy and sometimes very tight debate, things get better. [...] I hope this movie is better because of the debate.If nobody talks about us, we'll be in trouble!" Hood added he and Thomas Rothman both had "strong" personalities in creative meetings but they never had a "stand" argument. In January 2009, after delays due to weather and scheduling conflicts, such as Hugh Jackman's publicity commitment to Australia , production was moved to Vancouver, mostly at Kitsilano Secondary School and at the University of British Columbia. The work there includes completing a scene with Ryan Reynolds, who has worked on two other films during major photography.

Gavin Hood has announced that some "secret suffixes" exist for the film and that the edges will be different from prints to print movies. One version shows Wolverine drinking in a Japanese bar. The bartender asks if he's drinking to forget, which is where Logan replies that he's drinking to be remembered. The other end shows Weapon XI in the wreckage of the destroyed tower, trying to touch his broken head.


More than 1,000 shots from Wolverine have a visual effect in it, requiring three different effects watchers and seventeen different companies to work on the film. The most prominent is Hydraulx, who has also worked on the X-Men trilogy and is responsible for battles on Three Mile Island and the power of Gambit. Many elements are actually generated through computer-generated imagery, such as the adamantium injection engine, the landscape with Gambit plane and Wolverine tearing doors with newly upgraded claws. CG bone claws are also created for some scenes because props do not look good at close range. The widespread use of matte paintings was also made, with Matte World Digital creating five different matte for the final scene of the film - a setback depicting the devastated Three Mile Island - and Gavin Hood handed over the favelas Hatch Productions image as a reference to the African Scene.

X-Men Origins: Wolverine' Was an Underrated Masterpiece That ...


Compiled by Harry Gregson-Williams, the score for X-Men Origins: Wolverine is mixed by Malcolm Luker, engineered by Costa Kotselas, and featuring Martin Tillman on an electric cello.

In a 2008 interview with Christopher Coleman from, Gregson-Williams said that Hood pulled him into the project, adding: "I happened to meet him at the Golden Globes dinner about three years ago. both nominations, but both are defeated.He was nominated for Tsotsi and during dinner I have talked to him and he looks like a very smart and creative person... and in music I'm really happy when I got a call to meet him and discuss the possibilities for Wolverine . "

At the end of March 2009, Jon Burlingame of Variety was at Newman Scoring Stage in the 20th Century-Fox to listen to and report the recording of scores. Gregson-Williams performed a "78-piece orchestra and a 40-vote choir (20 men, 20 women)" to reach a sound. At the time of his visit, Burlingame noted that the choir sang "the stanza of ancient Norse poetry in Ancient Iceland" to underline what would be the first song, "Logan Through Time." Director Gavin Hood commented on Gregson-Williams's style, saying: "Harry's challenge is to give us the scale of opera, but also keep him intimate and human." Harry's music has some kind of muscle trust and strength that is very useful for action, but he also has an incredible soul. "Hood also called the record performance" brilliant frigging! "

X-Men Origins: Wolverine | Fox Digital HD | HD Picture Quality ...


Leaky print

On March 31, 2009, a complete DVD quality work from a movie without a timecode or watermark, with some unfinished effects shots, different fonts for titles and casting, and alternative leaked sound effects online. The studio says it will be able to determine the source of the leak using forensic marks in print jobs. The FBI and the MPAA began investigating illegal posts. Fox estimates that the print was downloaded about 4.5 million times when Wolverine was released in theaters. In 2014, Fox estimates that at least 15 million people download it.

The print contains references to Rising Sun Pictures, an Australian visual effects company working on the film. The company denied that they ever had a full copy of the film. Executive producer Thomas Rothman noted the leaked version lacked the added ten minutes during pick-up in January 2009. However, the theatrical version of the film lacked additional scenes that were not included in the leaked work. Both versions run exactly 107 minutes, but director Gavin Hood says "there's another ending featuring the movie villain." The leak was traced to a Bronx man named Gilberto Sanchez, who had bought an unauthorized DVD copy of a Korean man and then uploaded it under the name "SkillyGilly".

Roger Friedman, a gossip reporter for Fox News - a channel also owned by Fox News Corporation's parent company - was fired for writing the movie review using a leaked copy he downloaded from the Internet. He described how easy it is to find and download movies even if the original source of the leak is no longer available on the web. The article he wrote for his column on the Fox News website was immediately removed.


Among the companies that provide merchandising tie are 7-Eleven, Papa John's Pizza, and Schick. Hugh Jackman also plays Wolverine for the Got Milk? campaign. In February 2009, Hasbro released a film-related film, featuring action shots and gloves with retractable claws. In April, Marvel debuted a new comic series, Wolverine: Weapon X , whose author Jason Aaron says that although not directly influenced by the film, it is written considering people who would be interested in Wolverine comic after watching the movie.

In December 2009, Hot Toys released a very detailed 12-inch Wolverine figure based on the movie in the form of Hugh Jackman.

Video game

Raven Software developed a video game based on a movie of the same name, published by Activision Blizzard. Marc Guggenheim wrote the script, while Hugh Jackman, Liev Schreiber, and voiced their character from the movie. The storyline goes beyond one of the films, including other comic villains such as Sentinel and Wendigo, as well as Mystique appearances, which are in three other X-Men movies.

Theatrical run

X-Men Origins: Wolverine was released on April 29, 2009, in the UK, Denmark, South Africa, and Australia; 30 April 2009 in the Philippines and in the Dominican Republic; and May 1, 2009 in the United States and Canada. The contest was held on the official website to determine the location of the world premiere on April 27th. In the end, Harkins at Tempe Marketplace in Tempe, Arizona won the premiere. The release in Mexico was delayed until the end of May due to the H1N1 flu epidemic in the country. On April 22, nine days prior to the release of the film, it was reported that the 3-to-1 X-Men Origins: Wolverine beat 3-to-1 "Iron Man". At the same time point in the sales cycle (nine days before the film's release). "

During the first day of his release, Wolverine took about $ 35 million, with nearly $ 5 million from it from a midnight show. Earnings put the film as the opening day of the 16th best-selling (22 with ticket price inflation). The film became the number one film at the box office for a total of $ 85 million. Among the summer kick-offs, fifth ranked behind Spider-Man, X2 , Spider-Man 3 , and Iron Man and> above ten comic book adaptations. The opening is lower than the last movie in the franchise, X-Men: The Last Stand , and X2 , but higher than X-Men i >, the first film in the series.

Worldwide opening is over $ 158.1 million, but Fox claims that some markets are performing poorly, largely due to leaking printing in countries with illegal download issues. However, in an article for "piracy issues" from Screen International magazine, film critic John Hazelton doubted this explanation, writing that the film's initial performance was "uncertain" as a swine flu outbreak in the region with rights abuses the worst copywriting means other areas can not be compared at all.

Despite having received mixed criticism from critics, the film was financially successful at the box office. According to Box Office Mojo Wolverine has grossed approximately $ 179,883,157 in the United States and Canada. It takes $ 193,179,707 more in other regions, giving a worldwide total of $ 373,062,864.

Home media

On September 15th, 2009, 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment released X-Men Origins: Wolverine on DVD and Blu-ray discs. Two-disc Blu-ray includes comments by Hood, other comments by producers Lauren Shuler Donner and Ralph Winter, featurette "The Roots of Wolverine: Conversation with X-Men maker Stan Lee and Len Wein", featurette "Wolverine Unleashed: The Complete Origins ", 10 chronic characters, two more featurettes, trivia tracks, deleted scenes with comments from Hood, two alternate sequences, Fox Movie Channel premiere featurette and imdb BD Live technology. The two discs of the set include digital copies. In addition, Wal-Mart's exclusive 3-disc set, which includes a standard DVD copy of the film was also released. The two-DVD special edition includes two comments, featurette with Stan Lee and Len Wein, a featurette of origin, a deleted and alternative scene, and a non-smoking PSA on a disc one; disk two has a digital copy of the movie. The single-disc DVD release has a featurette of origin and PSA anti-smoking.

Wolverine is the best-selling and most-rent DVD sales of the week, selling over three million copies, 850,000 of them on Blu-ray. Through the first six weeks, the DVD has sold 3.79 million copies, earning $ 64.27 million in sales.

x men cinematic universe - In X-Men Origins: Wolverine, is Zero a ...


On the review's aggregator website, Rotten Tomatoes, the film received a 38% approval rating based on 252 reviews, with an average rating of 5.1/10. The critical consensus of the site reads, "Although Hugh Jackman gave it all, he can not help > X-Men Origins: Wolverine overclasses a script full of familiar cliches and narratives. " At Metacritic this film has a score of 40 out of 100, based on 39 critics, showing "mixed or average review". Viewers surveyed by CinemaScore gave this movie the average value of "B" on a scale A to F.

Richard Corliss of TIME commented on this film standing among other Marvel movies, saying it was "a good, not great Marvel film that tells the early X-Man story, and attempts to make it climaxes in perfect coupling with the start of a known trilogy. "He also said that" superhero mythology can be very complicated, only children who read lonely comic books can understand everything. " James Mullinger of GQ also commented on the structure of the story by saying that "the clumsy film attempts to explain the origins of James [Howlett], AKA Wolverine, who wisely only briefly mentioned in the original X- Men saga, thereby creating a fairly bland plot full of holes. "Lou Lumenick of the New York Post is generally better against Origins "Luckily, Jackman fits perfectly with Schreiber, who can scoff at the best of them and wear the fangs well.These have three spectacular battles together before dealing with tough enemies on a nuclear reactor." Peter Rainer of Christian Science Monitor also praised Jackman's performance, saying that "Hugh Jackman points out that you can segesh easily from a tuxedoed song-and-dance man at an Oscar to a bell with adamantium claws and berserker's rage. "Claudia Puig from USA Today considers the film "in action well, with spectacular action and smart one-liners".

Roger Ebert gave the film two stars out of four and asked about the title character, "Why should I care about this guy? He does not feel pain and no one can kill him, so that's why he's basically a story tool for a series of actions." James Berardinelli gave Wolverine two and a half stars out of four, calling the action scenes competent but not memorable, and remembering that when dealing with Wolverine's past "there is a bit of creativity visible in the empty way filled in" , and that the revelations Wolverine made were "less interesting". Relatively, Bill Gibron of the site AMC gave the film a positive "4.0 out of 5 stars," saying that although Hugh Jackman "was able to bring even the most mediocre effort, he alone made X-Men Origins: Wolverine a very good start in the summer of 2009. "He predicted" there will be purists who refuse how Hood and his scriptwriters corrupt and manipulate mythology; " and further said that "each end leaves some characters unexplained and unfolded as it can not really seal a full entertainment deal."

Regarding Wolverine in the context of the X-Men movie series, Tom Charity from CNN commented: "Useful but inevitable, this Wolverine film does enough to keep X-Men franchise on life support, but filmmakers should come up with some evolutionary changes if they want to escape from X-tinction. "Similarly, AO Scott from The New York Times i> states that "X-Men Origins: Wolverine will most likely monetize the popularity of previous episodes, but recent evidence that superhero films suffer from serious imaginative fatigue." On a more negative note, Philip French from > The Observer says that "special effects-a boring, bone-destroying effect," is "only appealing to hardcore fans who may have read it all in Marvel Comics."

Sukhdev Sandhu of The Daily Telegraph stated that "Wolverine is an artificial stimulus package of the least satisfactory type advertised aggressively and hyped into the hills, it will no doubt attract home - the full house at first, after which, when word-of-mouth buzz-kill goes into overdrive, there will definitely be widespread deflation and a clear feeling of being cheated. "Similarly, Orlando Parfitt from IGN (UK) praised the actors' action scenes, but stated that the movie felt underdeveloped: "There is a fun time to be shared with Wolverine , but it is also somewhat unsatisfactory." Next, Scott Mendelson from The Huffington Post > gave the class film "D", noting that "Wolverine is the main character of [X-Men movie], and we have learned everything we need to know from the films in the franchise," adding that " Additional information provided herein is bena r-really works to make the Logan/Wolverine character less attractive. "Steven Rea also feels that the movie hurt the character by proving that" how the hero gained his special powers turned out to be much less interesting than what he did with them, "while also becoming" a pile of meaningless battles. (It does not mean because Logan/Wolverine is almost unstoppable), sub-par visual effects, backstory templates, and some Liev Schreiber-as-criminals. "

Hugh Jackman later claimed to be unhappy with the end result of X-Men Origins: Wolverine . The actor especially wants a film that will deepen the Wolverine character, but "somehow the first Wolverine movie ends up looking like the fourth X-Men - just with a different character." She tries to avoid the same result while doing her next solo movie for the character, 2013's The Wolverine .

Two cases of teenagers who inject themselves with mercury after seeing X-Men Origins: Wolverine and incorrectly believe this will turn their bones into a metal similar to Wolverine.

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Wolverine is set to be the first of a series of prequuel X-Men Origins, with others focusing on Magneto. However, X-Men Origins: Magneto entered the development hell and was eventually canceled. X-Men: First Class , released in 2011, is another prequel for this series. Set in 1962, the film features a young Professor X and Magneto as well as the foundation of X-Men. In 2013, the second Wolverine movie was released titled The Wolverine , defined many years after the X-Men event: The Last Stand , but mostly serves as a stand-alone sequel.. The follow-up of First Class , 2014 X-Men: Days of Future Past , is confirmed to delete the X-Men Origins: Wolverine event via continuity retroactive. The third Wolverine movie titled Logan was released on March 3, 2017. This is the last time Hugh Jackman plays the character. The 2016 spin-off movie Deadpool and its sequel in 2018 Deadpool 2 featuring Ryan Reynolds who repeated his role as a title character. Some jokes are intended to sacrifice the version of Deadpool in X-Men Origins: Wolverine because of the negative reaction of the character portrayal. A mid-credit Deadpool 2 scene depicts a version of Wilson's movie that goes back in time to the X-Men Origins: Wolverine event to kill the criticized Weapon XI interpretation. Pool of death.

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X - Men Origins: Wolverine - Wade Wilson /Deadpool Lifts Scene ...

External links

  • Official website
  • X-Men Origins: Wolverine on IMDb
  • X-Men Origins: Wolverine at AllMovie
  • X-Men Origins: Wolverine in Box Office Mojo
  • X-Men Origins: Wolverine at Rotten Tomatoes

Source of the article : Wikipedia
