Swarm is a mobile app that allows users to share their location with their friends and keep a record of their experiences in their personal lifelog. Swarm for iOS and Android devices launches on May 15, 2014. Spin-offs and companion apps to the older Foursquare, Swarm allows users to check-in to a specific location, and see who is nearby. This check-in is chronologically registered to create a personalized lifelog for each user, which functions as a digital library for all the places they've visited, in a searchable database that can be reviewed and shared.
Location and check-in data collected in Swarm is used to improve user recommendations in Foursquare City Guides. Separating check-in and location sharing in general into separate Swarm apps is designed to let the main Foursquare app focus explore and locate information in locations, in a way like Yelp. Swarm supports checking with photos or stickers attached to it, and allows broadcasting check-ins to other networks including Facebook and Twitter. Swarm offers features to promote lifelogging and preserve memories including private and shareable interactive maps, and unique statistics such as total lifetime check-in, number of unique categories visited, and data about mottled and mayor.
Video Swarm (app)
Swarm 5.0, released on iOS August, 8 2017 and on Android August 16, 2017, is the most significant update to the app's core functionality since its launch in 2014, focusing more on lifelogging.
Check in
If a user wants to share their location, they can "Check In" to a specific place and this location will be shared with their friends. Users can write messages by check-in and mention (or check in) their friends in the place with them. It is also possible to include photos, as well as cross-check postings to Twitter and Facebook.
User locations are never shared publicly - only shared with their friends in Swarm, unless they specifically choose to share their check-ins on Facebook or Twitter.
Users also have the option of checking "off-the-grid" if they want to check the place personally. This check-in will appear in their history, but will not be seen by their friends when they see their page.
Each time a user checks, pins are dropped on their interactive personal check-in map. This map is intended to serve as a visual representation wherever they are.
Swarm was introduced in 2014, a new feature called Plan that allows users to send group messages that are then viewed by all their friends who are nearby. The goal is to facilitate group meetings. By 2015, this feature is replaced with Private messaging. Messages allow users to send direct messages and groups, but no longer broadcast their location at the environment level.
Users can attach single stickers to each check-in to express their feelings or what they do quickly. Opening the instructions for new stickers is often not provided in the app itself 'to make the sticker a surprise'.
There are 100 Collectible Stickers in addition to the special Bonus Stickers that can be unlocked. For example, the Newbie sticker can be unlocked after first-time users and the Explorer sticker after fifty check-ins. Other ways to open sticker collections include marking a friend, using key phrases in checkins (like "Congratulations" or "Happy Birthday") and more.
Apart from 100 Sticker Collectibles, over 100 Bonus stickers have been released to celebrate various occasions and diverse. Many sticker releases coincide with holidays, world events, or specific achievements.
The "Superuser" sticker is only available for Superusers.
For the time being, there are 25 gold stickers. Users who have the most check-in against their friends in certain categories are given this sticker.
Swarm 5.0 introduces 52 new stickers and "Collection Categories." There are 100 stickers that each coincide with popular categories, such as Diner, Bowling Alley, and Pizza Place. Users can update the stickers to get 2x and 3x coin multipliers by continuing to check in to the 100 categories that can be collected.
Released in 2016, Swarm Challenges encourage users to check-in to a certain type of place, multiple times within a specific date range, to be included to win prizes. For example, the first Swarm Challenge is Summer Kickoff, which requires users to check 3 summer spots (beaches, parks, lanes, etc.) to enter to win $ 10,000 toward a dream vacation. Swarm Challenges are only available to residents of the United States.
Memory Path
Located on the sticker tab, Memory Lane displays every open badge in the classic Foursquare.
Users who check in more places than others during the 30-day period are given the title of "Mayor". This is similar to the mechanical game found in the classic Foursquare. When Swarm was launched in May 2014, Foursquare's Majorships were all gone. Instead of competing with everyone in the service to become a "Mayor" place, users are now competing with their friends only. Mayors 2.0 means that venues can have many different mayors, one for each circle of friends, not just one mayor in every place. In July 2015, responding to negative feedback, Mayors 2.0 retired, and Swarm introduced the current Mayorship game, which is more similar to the one in the classic Foursquare.
Search history
Swarm allows users to search for check-in beforehand and reflect on where they are and what they have done. Users can search for check-ins by friends they visit, cities, categories, or even the types of places they've visited (like Mexican Restaurants, Parks, etc.).
Remember everywhere.
Maps Swarm (app)
Users who publish impressive achievements in apps via social media can be sent exclusive packages by Swarm containing branded stationery and physical stickers.
CNET describes this application as a "bold movement", and praises it for removing some of the "mess" from Foursquare and focuses on letting users "quickly see where your friends are and make plans". The redesign is unpopular with some of the existing Foursquare users, who complain about the lack of gamification elements, and the need to download two apps for what is usually in a single Foursquare app.
Foursquare calls Swarm's latest incarnation as a "lifelog", and it is meant to offer a new way of thinking about the trademark check-in process that is less about gamification and leaderboards and more personal. With younger mobile users interested in lost text, photos, and videos - and a more rugged and genuine sharing style that makes it possible - Foursquare now wants to create a space where you can plant virtual flags, to get back into memory and enjoy it later day.
External links
- Official website
- What is Swarm ?, Foursquare Help Center
Source of the article : Wikipedia