Jumat, 13 Juli 2018

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Food-borne diseases (also foodborne diseases and colloquially referred to as food poisoning ) are any disease that results from food spoilage contaminated, pathogenic bacteria, viruses, or parasites that contaminate food, as well as toxins such as poisonous fungi and various species of unbroken beans for at least 10 minutes.

Symptoms vary depending on the cause, and are described below in this article. Some broad generalizations can be made, for example: The incubation period ranges from hour to day, depending on the cause and how much is consumed. The incubation period tends to cause the sufferer to not associate symptoms with the consumed goods, and thus cause the sufferer to associate the symptoms with gastroenteritis for example.

Symptoms often include vomiting, fever, and pain, and may include diarrhea. Vomiting attacks can be repeated with long delays between them, because even if the infected food is removed from the stomach in the first bout, the microbe (if any) can pass through the stomach into the intestine and begin to multiply. Some types of microbes live in the intestines, some produce toxins that are absorbed into the bloodstream, and some can directly invade deeper body tissues.

Video Foodborne illness


Foodborne diseases usually arise from improper handling, preparation, or storage of food. Good hygiene practices before, during, and after food preparation can reduce the likelihood of contracting the disease. There is consensus in the community health community that regular hand washing is one of the most effective defenses against the spread of foodborne diseases. Measures monitoring food to ensure that it will not cause foodborne illness known as food safety. Foodborne diseases can also be caused by a variety of toxins that affect the environment.

In addition, foodborne diseases can be caused by pesticides or drugs in foods and natural toxic substances such as poisonous mushrooms or reef fish.


Bacteria are a common cause of foodborne illness. In the UK in 2000, the bacteria involved were as follows: Campylobacter jejuni 77.3%, Salmonella 20.9%, Escherichia coli O157 : H7 1.4%, and the other less than 0.56%. In the past, bacterial infections were considered more common because some places had the ability to test norovirus and no active monitoring was performed for this particular agent. Toxins from bacterial infections are delayed because bacteria take time to multiply. As a result, symptoms associated with poisoning are usually not seen up to 12-72 hours or more after eating contaminated food. However, in some cases, such as Staphylococcal food poisoning, the onset of the disease may soon after 30 minutes after consuming contaminated food.

The most common foodborne pathogens are:

  • Campylobacter jejuni which can lead to Guillain-BarrÃÆ' Â © secondary and periodontitis syndrome
  • Clostridium perfringens , "cafeteria germ"
  • Salmonella spp. - his S. typhimurium infection is caused by inadequately cooked egg or poultry consumption or by other interactive human-animal pathogens
  • Escherichia coli O157: H7 enterohemorrhagic (EHEC) which can cause hemolytic-uremic syndrome

Patogen bawaan makanan bakteri lainnya adalah:

  • Bacillus cereus
  • Escherichia coli , sifat virulensi lainnya, seperti enteroinvasive (EIEC), enteropathogenic (EPEC), enterotoxigenic (ETEC), enteroaggregative (EAEC atau EAgEC)
  • Listeria monocytogenes
  • Shigella spp.
  • Staphylococcus aureus
  • enteritis staphylococcal
  • Streptococcus
  • Vibrio cholerae , termasuk O1 dan non-O1
  • Vibrio parahaemolyticus
  • Vibrio vulnificus
  • Yersinia enterocolitica dan Yersinia pseudotuberculosis

Uncommon bacterial agents:

  • Brucella spp.
  • Corynebacterium Ulcers
  • Coxiella burnetii or Q
  • Plesiomonas shigelloides


In addition to diseases caused by a direct bacterial infection, some foodborne diseases are caused by enterotoxins (exotoxins targeting the intestines). Enterotoxins can produce disease even when the microbes that produce them have been killed. The appearance of symptoms varies with toxins but may be rapid in onset, as in the case of enterotoxins of Staphylococcus aureus where symptoms appear within one to six hours. This leads to severe vomiting including or excluding diarrhea (resulting in staphylococcal enteritis), and staphylococcal enterotoxin (most commonly Staphylococcal enterotoxin (but including staphylococcal enterotoxin B) is the most commonly reported enterotoxin even if the poisoning case is likely to be underestimated. This occurs mainly in cooked and processed foods due to competition with other biota in raw foods, and humans are the main cause of contamination as a substantial percentage of humans are the persistent carriers of S. aureus. The CDC has estimated about 240,000 cases per year in the United States.

  • Clostridium botulinum
  • Clostridium perfringens
  • Bacillus cereus

Botulism rare but potentially lethal disease occurs when anaerobic bacteria Clostridium botulinum grows in a properly tinned low-acid food and produces botulin, a strong paralytic poison.

Pseudoalteromonas tetraodonis , certain Pseudomonas and Vibrio species, and some other bacteria, produce deadly tetrodotoxins, which exist in the tissues of several living animal species rather than being decomposition products.

The emergence of foodborne pathogens

Many foodborne diseases are still poorly understood.

  • Aeromonas hydrophila , Aeromonas caviae , Aeromonas sobria

Prevent bacterial food poisoning

Prevention is primarily the role of the state, through the definition of strict hygiene and public service rules from animal product surveys in food chains, from agriculture to transformation and shipping industries (shops and restaurants). These Rules include:

  • traceability: in the final product, it must be possible to know the origin of materials (land of origin, identification of harvest or animal) and where and when it is processed; the origin of the disease may be traced and solved (and possibly punished), and the final product may be removed from sale if the problem is detected;
  • enforcement of hygiene procedures such as HACCP and "cold chain";
  • the power of veterinary control and enforcement.

In August 2006, the United States Food and Drug Administration approved Phage therapy involving spraying meat with viruses that infect bacteria, thereby preventing infection. This raises concerns, because without compulsory labeling consumers will not be aware that meat and poultry products have been treated with sprays.

At home, prevention consists primarily of good food safety practices. Many forms of bacterial toxicity can be prevented by cooking it adequately, and eat it quickly or cool it effectively. Many toxins, however, are not destroyed by heat treatment.

Techniques that help prevent food-borne diseases in the kitchen are washing hands, rinsing products, preventing cross-contamination, proper storage, and maintaining cooking temperatures. In general, freezing or cooling prevents almost all bacteria from developing, and heating food is enough to kill parasites, viruses, and most bacteria. The bacteria grows most rapidly in the temperature range between 40 and 140 Â ° F (4 and 60 Â ° C), which is called â € Å"the danger zoneâ €. Storing food below or above the "danger zone" can effectively limit toxic production. To store food scraps, the food should be put into a shallow container for quick cooling and should be cooled within two hours. When the food is heated, it should reach an internal temperature of 165 ° F (74 ° C) or until it is hot or steamed to kill bacteria.

Mycotoxins and mycotoxic alimentari

The term digestive mycotoxicosis refers to the effects of toxicity by Mycotoxins (The term 'mycotoxin' is usually reserved for toxic chemical products produced by fungi ready to colonize the plant) through food consumption. Mycotoxins sometimes have important effects on human and animal health. For example, the plague that occurred in Britain in 1960 caused the deaths of 100,000 turkeys who had consumed aflatoxin-contaminated peanut food. In the Soviet Union in World War II, 5,000 people died from Alimentary Toxic Aleukia (ALA). Mycotoxins commonly eaten include:

  • Aflatoxin - derived from Aspergillus parasiticus and Aspergillus flavus. They are often found in bean, peanut, maize, sorghum and other vegetable oils, including corn and cottonseed. The form of aflatoxin that is pronounced is from B1, B2, G1, and G2, among which Aflatoxin B1 primarily targets the liver, which will produce necrosis, cirrhosis, and carcinoma. In the US, aflatoxin levels in acceptable foods are less than 20 μg/kg, except for Aflatoxin M1 in milk, which should be less than 0.5 μg/kg. Official documents can be found on the FDA website.
  • Altertoxins - are those of Alternariol (AOH), Alternariol methyl ether (AME), Altenuene (ALT), Altertoxin-1 (ATX-1), Tenuazonic acid (TeA) and Radicinin (RAD), originating from Alternaria spp. Some toxins can be present in sorghum, yeast, wheat and tomatoes. Several studies have shown that toxins can easily be cross-contaminated between grain commodities, suggesting that the manufacture and storage of grain commodities is an important practice.
  • Citrinin
  • Citreoviridin
  • Cyclopiazonic acid
  • Cytochalasins
  • Alkaloid ergot/Ergopeptine alkaloids - Ergotamine
  • Fumonisins - Corn plants can easily be contaminated by the fusarium moniliforme fungus, and Fumonisin B1 will cause Leukoencephalomalacia (LEM) in horses, Lung edema syndrome (PES) in pigs, liver cancer in mice and Esophageal cancer in humans. For human and animal health, the FDA and the European Commission have regulated the content levels of toxins in food and animal feed.
  • Fusion Acid
  • Fusarochromanone
  • Kojic Acid
  • Lolitrem alkaloids
  • Moniliformin
  • 3-Nitropropionic Acid
  • Nivalenol
  • Ochratoxins - In Australia, the Reporting Limit Rate (LOR) for Ochratoxin A (OTA) analysis on the 20th Australian Total Dietary Survey is 1 Âμg/kg, while the EC limits the OTA content to 5 Âμg/kg on commodity cereals, 3Ã , Âμg/kg in processed products and 10 Âμg/kg in dried grapes.
  • Oosporeine
  • Patulin - Currently, this toxin has been suggested to be regulated on fruit products. EC and FDA have limited to below 50 Âμg/kg for fruit juice and fruit nectar, while the 25 Âμg/kg limit for solid fruit products and 10 Âμg/kg for baby food is determined by the European Commission. li>
  • Phomopsin
  • Sporidesmin A
  • Sterigmatocystin
  • Mycotoxins Tremorgenic - Five of which have been reported to be associated with fungi found in fermented meats. These are Fumitremorgen B, Paxilline, Penitrem A, Verrucosidin, and Verruculogen.
  • Trichothecenes - sourced from Cephalosporium, Fusarium, Myrothecium, Stachybotrys and Trichoderma. Toxins are commonly found in corn, wheat, corn, peanuts and rice, or animal feed from straw and hay. Four trichothecenes, T-2 toxin, HT-2 toxin, diacetoxyscirpenol (DAS) and deoxynivalenol (DON) have been most commonly encountered by humans and animals. Consequences of oral intake, or skin exposure to, toxins will produce Alimentary toxic aleucia, neutropenia, aplastic anemia, thrombocytopenia and/or skin irritation. In 1993, the FDA issued a document to limit DON content in food and animal feeds on advisory level. In 2003, the US issued a very promising patent for farmers to produce trichothecene resistant crops.
  • Zearalenone
  • Zearalenols


Viral infections make up perhaps a third of cases of food poisoning in developed countries. In the US, over 50% of cases are viruses and noroviruses are the most common foodborne illness, accounting for 57% of outbreaks in 2004. Foodborne virus infections are usually from (1-3 days) incubation periods, leading to self-diseases. - limited to healthy individuals; they are similar to the bacterial forms described above.

  • Enterovirus
  • Hepatitis A is distinguished from other viral causes with prolonged incubation periods (2-6 weeks) and its ability to spread outwardly into the liver and intestines. It often causes jaundice, or yellowing of the skin, but rarely causes chronic liver dysfunction. This virus has been found to cause infection due to consumption of fresh-cut products that have fecal contamination.
  • Hepatitis E
  • Norovirus
  • Rotavirus


Sebagian besar parasit bawaan makanan adalah zoonosis.

  • Platyhelminthes: Diphyllobothrium sp.
  • Nanophyetus sp.
  • Taenia saginata
  • Taenia Solium
  • Hepatitis
Lihat Jug: Cacing pita dan cacing pipih
  • Nematode:
    • Anisakis sp.
    • Ascaris lumbricoides Eustrongylides sp. Trichinella spiralis Trichuris trichiura
  • Protozoa: Acanthamoeba dan amoebae yang hidup bebas lainnya
  • Cryptosporidium parvum Cyclospora cayetanensis Entamoeba histolytica Giardia lamblia Sarcocystis hominis Sarcocystis suihominis Toxoplasma gondii

Account Ally

Some foods naturally contain toxins, many of which are not produced by bacteria. Plants in particular may be toxic; animals that are naturally poisonous to eat are rare. In evolutionary terms, animals can escape by eating away; plants can only use passive defense such as toxins and unpleasant substances, such as capsaicin in chilies and spicy sulfur compounds in garlic and onions. Most animal toxins are not synthesized by animals, but are acquired by eating poisonous plants whose animals are immune, or by bacterial action.

  • Alkaloid
  • Ciguatera poisoning
  • Grayanotoxin (honey poisoning)
  • Mushroom poison
  • Phytohaemagglutinin (red bean poisoning, destroyed by boiling)
  • Pyrrolizidine alkaloids
  • Toxic shells, including paralytic shell poisoning, diarrhetic scallop poisoning, neurotoxic scallop poisoning, amnesic shellfish poisoning and ciguatera fish poisoning
  • Scombrotoxin
  • Tetrodotoxin (fugu fish poisoning)

Some plants contain toxic substances in large doses, but have therapeutic properties in the right dosage.

  • Foxglove contains cardiac glycosides.
  • Hemlock is toxic (conium) has medicinal properties.

Other pathogenic agents

  • Prions, producing Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) and its variant (vCJD)
  • Ptomaine poisoning

    In 1883, the Italian, Professor Salmi, of Bologna, introduced the generic name ptomaine (from Greek

    Ma , "fallen, fallen body, corpse") to alkaloids found in decayed animals and vegetables, especially (as reflected in their names) putrescine and cadaverine. The 1892 Merck Bulletin states, "We name products such as the origin of the original bacteria, and the special alkaloids produced by bacillus coma are variously named Cadaverine, Putrescine, etc." While The Lancet states, "The chemical expenditure generated in the system,... ptomaines can have a very damaging effect." It is now known that "catastrophic... influence" is due to the direct action of bacteria and only slightly to the alkaloids. Thus, the use of the phrase "ptomaine poisoning" is now obsolete.

    The polluted potato salad that bombarded hundreds of people at a Communist political convention in Massillon, Ohio, and boarded a Washington DC cruise ship in a week-long separate incident in 1932 drew national attention to the dangers called "ptomaine poisoning" on the pages of the weekly American News, Time. Another newspaper article from 1944 recounted more than 150 people hospitalized in Chicago with ptomaine poisoning apparently from a rice pudding served by the restaurant chain.

    Maps Foodborne illness


Incubation period

The delay between the consumption of contaminated food and the appearance of the first symptoms of the disease is called the incubation period. These range from hour to day (and rarely months or even years, as in the case of listeriosis or spongiform bovine encephalopathy), depending on the agent, and how much is consumed. If symptoms appear within one to six hours after eating a meal, it indicates that it is caused by bacterial toxins or chemicals rather than live bacteria.

The long incubation period of many foodborne diseases tends to cause people to associate their symptoms with gastroenteritis.

During the incubation period, microbes pass through the stomach to the intestines, attached to the cells lining the intestinal wall, and begin to multiply there. Some types of microbes live in the intestines, some produce toxins that are absorbed into the bloodstream, and some can directly invade deeper body tissues. The resulting symptoms depend on the type of microbe.

Infusion dose

The dose of infection is the number of agents that should be consumed to cause symptoms of foodborne illness, and varies according to the agent and age of the consumer and overall health. Pathogens vary in minimal dose of infection; for example, Shigella sonnei has an estimated minimum dose of & lt; 500 colony-forming units (CFUs) while Staphylococcus aureus have relatively high estimates.

In the case of Salmonella a relatively large inoculum of 1 million to 1 billion organisms is needed to produce symptoms in healthy human volunteers, because Salmonellae is very sensitive to acids. The extraordinarily high abdominal pH level (low acidity) greatly reduces the amount of bacteria needed to cause symptoms with a factor between 10 and 100.

Webinar: The Role of Physicians in Identifying Foodborne Illness ...
src: i.ytimg.com


Asymptomatic subclinical infections can help spread the disease, especially Staphylococcus aureus, Campylobacter, Salmonella, Shigella, V. cholerae, and Yersinia. For example, in 1984 it was estimated that in the United States 200,000 people were asymptomatic carriers of Salmonella .


Globally, babies are a very vulnerable population to foodborne diseases. The World Health Organization has issued recommendations for preparation, use and storage of prepared formulas. Breastfeeding is still the best preventive measure to protect foodborne infections.

United States

In the United States, using FoodNet data from 2000-2007, CDCP estimates there are 47.8 million foodborne diseases per year (16,000 cases for 100,000 inhabitants) with 9.4 million of which are caused by 31 known pathogens.

  • 127,839 hospitalized (43 per 100,000 population per year).
  • 3,037 people died (1.0 per 100,000 population per year).


This data relates to reported medical cases of 23 specific pathogens, compared with the estimated total population of all foodborne illnesses for the United States.

In France, for 750,000 cases (1,210 per 100,000 population):

  • 70,000 people consulted in the hospital emergency department (113 per 100,000 population);
  • 113,000 people were hospitalized (182 per 100,000 population);
  • 460 people died (0.75 per 100,000 population).


A study by the Australian National University, published in November 2014, was found in 2010 that there are approximately 4.1 million cases of food gastroenteritis acquired in Australia on average each year, along with 5,140 cases of non-gastrointestinal disease. The research was funded by the Australian Department of Health, the New Zealand Food Standard of New Zealand, and the NSW Food Authority.

The main causes are Norovirus, Escherichia coli pathogens, Campylobacter spp. and non-typhoidal Salmonella spp., although the cause of about 80% of the disease is unknown. Approximately 25% (90% CrI: 13% -42%) of the 15.9 million episodes of gastroenteritis occurring in Australia are estimated to be transmitted by contaminated food. This is equivalent to an average of about one episode of food gastroenteritis every five years per person. Data on the number of hospitalizations and deaths is a serious incidence of foodborne diseases. Including gastroenteritis, non-gastroenteritis and sequelae, there were 31,920 hospitalizations (90% CrI: 29,500-35,500) hospitalized due to foodborne illness and 86 (90% CrI: 70-105) deaths from foodborne illnesses around 2010. The study concludes that this figure is similar to recent estimates in the US and Canada.

The main purpose of this study was to compare whether the incidence of foodborne illness increased over time. In this study, a similar appraisal method was applied to data from around 2000, which showed that food gastroenteritis levels did not change significantly over time. The two main estimates are the number of episodes of gastroenteritis each year, and the proportion is considered as food. In about 2010, it was estimated that 25% of all episodes of gastroenteritis were foodborne meals. By applying the proportion of this episode to food for the incidence of gastroenteritis around 2000, there were about 4.3 million (90% CrI: 2.2-7.3 million) episodes of food gastroenteritis around 2000, although credible intervals overlap with 2010 Considering changes in population size, applying this equivalent method indicates a 17% decline in food gastroenteritis levels between 2000 and 2010, with considerable overlap of 90% credible intervals.

This study replaces the earlier estimated 5.4 million cases of food-borne diseases in Australia each year, which causes:

  • 18,000 hospitalizations
  • 120 deaths (0,5 deaths per 100,000 population)
  • 2.1 million lost working days
  • 1.2 million doctor consultations
  • 300,000 prescriptions for antibiotics.

Most foodborne diseases outbreaks in Australia have been linked to raw eggs or minimally cooked poultry. The Australian Food Safety Information Council estimates that a third of food poisoning cases occur at home

Comparison between countries


Most reported cases of foodborne illness occur as individual or sporadic cases. The origins of most sporadic cases have not been determined. In the United States, where people eat outdoors frequently, 58% of cases come from commercial food facilities (FoodNet 2004 data). Outbreaks are defined as occurring when two or more people experience a similar illness after eating foods from the same source.

Often, a combination of events contributes to an outbreak, for example, food may be left at room temperature for long hours, allowing bacteria to multiply compounded by inadequate cooking which results in failure to kill harmfully rising levels of bacteria.

Outbreaks are usually identified when affected people know each other. However, more and more, outbreaks are identified by public health staff from an unexpected increase of laboratory results for certain strains of bacteria. Detection and outbreak investigations in the United States are primarily handled by local and inconsistent health jurisdictions from district to district. It is estimated that 1-2% of outbreaks are detected.

automobile industry quality management system standard : Smartedge ...
src: bizimages.withfloats.com

Society and culture

United Kingdom

In post-war Aberdeen (1964), a large-scale typhoid epidemic (& gt; 400) occurred, caused by contaminated corned beef imported from Argentina. Corned meat is placed in a can and because the refrigeration plant has failed, cold river water from the Plate estuary is used to cool the cans. One of the cans has a defect and the meat inside is contaminated. The meat is then sliced ​​using a meat slicer at a shop in Aberdeen, and the lack of a cleaning machine causes the spread of contamination to other flesh that is cut in a slicer. The meat was then eaten by the Aberdeen people who later became ill.

A serious foodborne disease outbreak since the 1970s has prompted major changes in food safety law in Britain. These included the deaths of 19 patients in the encounter of Stanley Royd Hospital and the encephalopathy of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE, mad cow disease) identified in the 1980s. The death of 21 people in the 1996 Wishaw outbreak of E. coli O157 was the predecessor of the Food Standards Agency which, according to Tony Blair in a 1998 white paper Strength for Change Cm 3830, "would be strong, open and dedicated to the interests of consumers ".

In May 2015, for the second year running, the UK Food Standards Agency devotes an annual Food Safety Week to - "The Chicken Challenge". The focus is on handling raw chickens at home and at catering facilities in an effort to reduce the very high levels of food poisoning from campylobacter bacteria . Anne Hardy argues that broad general education on food hygiene can be useful, especially through the media (T.V cooking program) and advertising. He points to the example set by the Scandinavian community.

United States

In 2001, the Center for Science in the Public Interest petitioned the US Department of Agriculture to request a meat packing to remove the spinal cord before processing a cow carcass for human consumption, a measure designed to reduce the risk of infection by the Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease variant. The petition is supported by the American Public Health Association, the American Consumer Federation, Government Accountability Projects, the National Consumer League, and our Priority Safe Tables. This is opposed by the National Cattle Breeders Association, National Inventor Association, National Meat Association, Pig Producers Council, sheepherd, dairy producers, Turkish Federation, and eight other organizations from the animal food industry.

None of the US Department of Health and Public Services targets of food-borne infections incidents was achieved in 2007.

A report released in June 2018 by NBC's Minneapolis station using a study by the CDC and the Minnesota Department of Health concluded that foodborne illness is on the rise in the US. The CDC has reported about four thousand cases of food poisoning each year in recent years.. Experts cite increased handling of food by humans as a major contributor, causing parasitic outbreaks such as E. coli and cyclospores that can only come from human waste.


The Department of Food Safety and Zoonosis The World Health Organization (FOS) provides scientific advice to organizations and communities on issues related to food safety. Its mission is to reduce the burden of foodborne diseases, thereby strengthening the health security and sustainable development of Member States. Diarrheal diseases that are transmitted through food and water kill about 2.2 million people every year, mostly children. WHO is working with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) to address food safety issues throughout the food production chain - from production to consumption - using new methods of risk analysis. These methods provide efficient science-based tools to improve food security, thus benefiting both public health and economic development.

International Food Safety Authority Network (INFOSAN)

The International Food Safety Authority Network (INFOSAN) is a joint WHO and FAO program. INFOSAN has linked national authorities from around the world since 2004, with the aim of preventing the international spread of contaminated food and foodborne diseases and strengthening the global food security system. This is done by:

  1. Promote rapid information exchange during food safety events;
  2. Sharing information on food safety issues is important from global interests;
  3. Promote partnership and inter-country collaboration; and
  4. Helping countries strengthen their capacity to manage food security risks.

INFOSAN membership is voluntary, but is restricted to representatives of national and regional government authorities and requires an official appointment letter. INFOSAN seeks to reflect the multidisciplinary nature of food safety and promote cross-sectoral cooperation by requesting the appointment of Focal Point in each respective national authority with shares in food security, and an Emergency Contact Point at national authorities with responsibility for coordinating food safety emergencies national; countries that choose to become members of INFOSAN are committed to sharing information between their respective food safety authorities and other INFOSAN members. The operational definitions of food safety authorities include the authorities involved in: food policy; tasks at risk; control and food management; food inspection services; surveillance and response of foodborne diseases; laboratory services for monitoring and control of food and foodborne diseases; and information on food security, education and communication across the farm-to-table continuum.

Setup steps

Food may be contaminated during all stages of food production and retail. To prevent virus contamination, European authorities have imposed several steps:

  • Regulation of the European Commission (EC) No 2073/2005 of 15 November 2005
  • European Committee for Standardization (CEN): Standard method for detecting norovirus and hepatitis A virus in food products (shellfish, fruits and vegetables, surface and bottled water)
  • The CODEX Committee on Food Security (CCFH): Guidelines for applying the general principles of food hygiene to control the virus in foods

Food borne Illness' Caused by Bacteria, Viruses and Parasites- By ...
src: i.ytimg.com

See also

Stop Foodborne Illness - Assisting Those Impacted by Foodborne ...
src: www.stopfoodborneillness.org


This article incorporates public domain material from websites or documents from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Igotsick Utah Foodborne Illness Complaint System - YouTube
src: i.ytimg.com

Further reading


  • International Journal of Food Microbiology, ISSNÃ, 0168-1605, Elsevier
  • Food Pathogen and Disease, ISSNÃ, 1535-3141, Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
  • Mycopathologia, ISSNÃ, 1573-0832 (electronic), ISSNÃ, 0301-486X (paper), Springer


  • Hocking, Ailsa D.; Pitt, John I.; Samson, Robert A.; Thrane, Ulf (2005). Progress in Food Mycology . Jumper. ISBN 978-0-387-28385-2. Ã, ISBNÃ, 978-0-387 -28391-3 (electronic).
  • Hobbs, Betty C. (1993). Food Poisoning and Food Hygiene . Edward Arnold. ISBN 978-0-340-53740-4.
  • Riemann, Hans P.; Cliver, Dean O. (2006). FoodBorne Infection and Infection . Academic Press. ISBN: 978-0-12-588365-8.
  • Smith, James L. (2005). Fratamico, Pina M.; Bhunia, Arun K.; Smith, James L., eds. Foodborne pathogens: Microbiology and molecular biology . Horizon Scientific Press. ISBN: 978-1-904455-00-4.

Buck Studio | Investigating Foodborne Illness
src: buckstudio.com

External links

  • Foodborne illness, appear, WHO, Fact sheet N Â ° 124, revised January 2002
  • Foodborne disease information page, NSW Food Authority
  • Food safety and foodborne disease, WHO, Fact sheet N Â ° 237, revised January 2002
  • British Health Protection Agency
  • US PulseNet
  • Food poisoning from NHS Direct Online
  • The Food Safety Network was held at the University of Guelph, Canada.
  • The Food Standards Agency website

Source of the article : Wikipedia
